Posts Tagged ‘ store ’

‘Breaking Dawn’ DVD Guide Update + Win Trip To Next Premiere!

Jan 3rd, 2012 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie News
'Breaking Dawn' DVD Guide Update + Win Trip To Next Premiere!

In case you missed it, we have compiled a guide to all of the new Breaking Dawn DVD and Blu-ray editions, including break-downs by country and store exclusives.  The latest special edition info we have to report comes from Walmart, who, in addition to offering their own exclusive wedding packaging and poster, will also be
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Walmart New Moon Merchandise Is Here!

Mar 15th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie News

I was at my local Walmart today and found that their New Moon ‘store’ is now up and running!  Just like last year, Walmart is offering an extensive array of New Moon merchandise just in time for the DVD release.  There are t-shirts, jewelry, pins, key chains, and bags in a wide assortment, as pictured
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