New Eclipse Still Features Bella’s Engagement Ring
Apr 27th, 2010 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsHere is a new still of Bella getting her engagement ring from Edward, courtesy of The Insider! Thanks to HGE for the info.
Here is a new still of Bella getting her engagement ring from Edward, courtesy of The Insider! Thanks to HGE for the info.
I saw this commercial on TV last night advertising the paperback version of “The Host,” which I thought was a pretty cool surprise to see while watching “Kendra” on E! 😉
Today’s Twilight Tidbit from Reelz Channel focuses on casting “The Host,” as well as fan-made Eclipse trailer spoofs! Check it all out in the video below! Eclipse | Hollywood Dailies | Movie Trailers
The official movie site for Eclipse has been updated with movie stills, trailers, phone apps, and a few new images of the cast! Check out all the new additions here!
Reelz Channel has done a scene by scene analysis of the new Eclipse trailer, which you can check out here on their site! “They’re coming here,” says Alice, in a voice that implies she’s a bit scared, even though she’s a vampire. Note the prominently displayed Cullen Crest choker, and the awesome golden contact lenses.
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Yay! You can now check out the final Eclipse trailer in HD here! Thoughts?! You can also check out the trailer on our Eclipse Movie page. Update: Rob, Kristen, Taylor, and Dakota will appear on Oprah May 13!
FEARnet has created a list of 8 things they love about the new Eclipse trailer, all of which you can read here! The tent scene Since this trailer’s all about action, we don’t really see much of the love triangle at the heart of the story. But we do get a brief glimpse of a
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Here are a few new Eclipse promo images, thanks to CrepusculoChileTwitter!
Oprah has posted the Eclipse trailer on her site! Click here to check it out and come back and tell us what you think 🙂
Don’t forget that the final Eclipse trailer premieres on today’s Oprah! The trailer will also be available online in HD starting at 8pm EST/5pm PST, followed by a live chat with some of the cast at 8:15 EST/5:15 PST. Here are the links where you can join the chat: MySpace Facebook