Posts Tagged ‘ wyck godfrey ’

Wyck Godfrey Interview

Aug 14th, 2009 | By | Category: Fansite Fridays, Featured Articles, Movie News, Site News

You can read Kassie’s note and a transcript of the interview here! You can also listen to the interview with Wyck Godfrey on our podcast this week! Listen at Mevio or iTunes… A Note from Kassie: We really didn’t know that Wyck Godfrey was coming over, it was a great surprise! He was actually whispering
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Interview With Twilight Producer

Jul 17th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

HitFix has a new interview with Twilight and New Moon producer Wyck Godfrey, who talks about the following: * Why the production shot in Montepulciano vs. Volterra, Italy * On whether the cast members are all locked into four picture deals. * On actors and directors campaigning to be part of the new films. *
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