TST Book Recommendations
This is a page where you can find Book Recommendations from TST! We will post reviews and descriptions of books that you might love too! Remember to email us your book recommendations at alexgmalerba@gmail.com or alexmtst@gmail.com Thanks!
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FADE! Review!
Be sure to pick up FADE, February 10th!
FADE grips readers from the first page, and the story holds your attention through the whole book. The story keeps you wondering about Janies new “gift”.
Janies hard life is still following her, and she can’t get away from it. The only person that Janie can trust in is Cabel, but they can’t be seen in public because of their job with Captain.
Janie is now learning from things that Mrs. Stubin has left for any new dream catchers. Janie relationship with Cabel is getting strained, and she is getting put into diffucult situations that she can’t handle. The story keeps you guessing, from beginning to end! Lisa is a wonderful writer, and has amazing talent!
Check out WAKELEXICON.wordpress.com for more updates for FADE!
Hey, I recently was looking for books and came across this one and looked so good, that I ordered it right after I read some reviews!
The book is called The Dust of 100 Dogs, by A.S King.
Here is the summary from AMAZON,
In the late seventeenth century, famed teenage pirate Emer Morrisey was on the cusp of escaping the pirate life with her one true love and unfathomable riches when she was slain and cursed with “the dust of one hundred dogs,” dooming her to one hundred lives as a dog before returning to a human body-with her memories intact.Now she’s a contemporary American teenager and all she needs is a shovel and a ride to Jamaica.
It sounds amazing, and this book is on the mature side 14-15+ Thanks! And it is a Young Adult book!
UPDATE-Finished the book and it was so good!
Hey, I am currently reading a series by Carrie Vaughn! The series is about WEREWOLVES, and VAMPIRES! The two things that we love here on Twilight Series Theories! I am currently reading Kitty and the Dead Man’s Hand! So far its so good! I have all the books, and it is a fun story with , werewolves, and vampire, Oh-MY!
Here are the books,
Kitty Norville (Werewolf)
- Kitty and the Midnight Hour (2005)
- Kitty Goes to Washington (2006)
- Kitty Takes a Holiday (2007)
- Kitty and the Silver Bullet (2008)
- Kitty and the Dead Man’s Hand (February 2009)
- Kitty Raises Hell (March/April 2009)
The links above are for AMAZON.COM! Books 5, and 6, are currently not out, they will be out soon, and as I am half way through book 5, its really good!
Here is the summary of the first book from AMAZON.COM
VAMPIRES. WEREWOLVES. TALK RADIO. Kitty Norville is a midnight-shift DJ for a Denver radio station—and a werewolf in the closet. Sick of lame song requests, she accidentally starts “The Midnight Hour,” a late-night advice show for the supernaturally disadvantaged. After desperate vampires, werewolves, and witches across the country begin calling in to share their woes, her new show is a raging success. But it’s Kitty who can use some help. With one sexy werewolf-hunter and a few homicidal undead on her tail, Kitty may have bitten off more than she can chew…
These books are under the FANTASY Genre! Just a heads up!
UPDATE- This book was very cool, and had a nice spin on your ordinary werewolf stories!
Hey! I recently recieved FADE by Lisa McMann, and I have not finished it, but so far its AMAZING! I love this story that Lisa creates! The book comes out Feburary 10th! So look out for it in stores! Be sure to read WAKE, the first book in the series!
Also guys when ever I recommend a book and you read it, and like or dislike it email me at alexmtst@gmail.com and let me know! Thanks!

FADE by Lisa Mcmann
Here is the AMAZON summary!
For Janie and Cabel, real life is getting tougher than the dreams. They’re just trying to carve out a little (secret) time together, but no such luck.
Disturbing things are happening at Fieldridge High, yet nobody’s talking. When Janie taps into a classmate’s violent nightmares, the case finally breaks open — but nothing goes as planned. Not even close. Janie’s in way over her head, and Cabe’s shocking behavior has grave consequences for them both.
Worse yet, Janie learns the truth about herself and her ability — and it’s bleak. Seriously, brutally bleak. Not only is her fate as a dream catcher sealed, but what’s to come is way darker than she’d feared….
UPDATE- Finished this book and Lisa did it again the story is awesome, and I can’t wait for GONE (book3)
Hey! Alex here! I got an email today from Abby Harris, and she recommeded Night World no. 1. I also got this recommendation from alot of other people, so thanks to all!
Here is the description from AMAZON.com
Vampires, werewolves, witches, shapeshifters — they live among us without our knowledge. Night World is their secret society, a secret society with very strict rules. And falling in love breaks all the laws of the Night World.
In Secret Vampire, Poppy thought the summer would last forever. Then she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Now Poppy’s only hope for survival is James, her friend and secret love. A vampire in the Night World, James can make Poppy immortal. But first they both must risk everything to go against the laws of Night World.
Fugitives from Night World, three vampire sisters leave their isolated home to live among humans in Daughters of Darkness. Their brother, Ash, is sent to bring the girls back, but he falls in love with their beautiful friend.Two witch cousins fight over their high school crush. It’s a battle between black magic and white magic in Spellbinder.
The book is about Vampires as it says above, and I was a little dissapointed haha, because in the AMAZON reviews, so many people were saying how much they loved this story, even more than TWILIGHT! I know *gasp*!
Remember to send book recommendations to alexgmalerba@gmail.com or alexmtst@gmail.com
Hey, the staffer that is recommending a book for the month of January. So when I told Kallie that she is going to have to givea book recommendations, this is the responce that I got!
Kallie Mathews gave 5 stars to: Outlander (Outlander, Book 1) by Diana Gabaldon
bookshelves: currently-readingOk… so I am a little over halfway through and LOVE IT! I can’t believe there is still more to read… this book is HUGE!
With that responce, I am guessing that this book is GREAT!
Here is the AMAZON summary!
In Outlander, a 600-page time-travel romance, strong-willed and sensual Claire Randall leads a double life with a husband in one century, and a lover in another. Torn between fidelity and desire, she struggles to understand the pure intent of her heart. But don’t let the number of pages and the Scottish dialect scare you. It’s one of the fastest reads you’ll have in your library.While on her second honeymoon in the British Isles, Claire touches a boulder that hurls her back in time to the forbidden Castle Leoch with the MacKenzie clan. Not understanding the forces that brought her there, she becomes ensnared in life-threatening situations with a Scots warrior named James Fraser. But it isn’t all spies and drudgery that she must endure. For amid her new surroundings and the terrors she faces, she is lured into love and passion like she’s never known before.
Thanks, keep the recommendation coming!!!!
Thanks Alex Malerba
Alexgmalerba@gmail.com or alexmtst@gmail.com
UPDATE- This book is really cool! Very different than other books! But awesome!
Hello! This is my quick review on SENT, that comes out in August of 2009!!
SENT is a wonderful read! Its a fast book, that keeps your attention through the whole story. It follows the group of children that we got to know in FOUND, that have been put back into there right time. BUT in their right time they are murdered! I will not spoil the book so that is all I will say!
2 thumbs up!
Thanks, keep the recommendation coming!!!!
Thanks Alex Malerba
Alexgmalerba@gmail.com or alexmtst@gmail.com
Distant Waves is a romance novel that is about two couples. The main story follows Jane, a 16 year old girl, who’s mother believes that she can contact the spirit world. The story takes place over 16 long years. Jane’s mother gets the chance to go to England, for a conference, and on the way back, Jane, and her sisters accidentally get stuck on the Titanic, what will happen? The story is a must read, a truly wonderful novel! The story is written very well, and will keep the reader wondering, a real page turner, with a different type of ending! The only bad thing about this book is that the characters never actually get on the Titanic til page 200.
The Dangerous Days of Daniel X
James Patterson does it again, with this great book. Like most Patterson books its a quick read, with a great plot. At first I was hesitant to read this because I don’t enjoy alien novels, but this is an exception! Daniels parents were killed by an Alien when he was young, and now that he has grown up he is hunting Aliens on Earth, trying to get to the Alien that murdered his parents. Daniel has great powers and the one power that I love is he can create things with his mind….All he has to do is think it and BAM, it is there! how cool! Must read!
-Alex (Currently reading the second in the series review up soon!–Out July 27th 2009)
Here is my review for probably the most popular recommendation that I have been getting from you people!
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment is a very interesting read. The story is about six kids, that call themselves mutate freaks. When they were younger, a place called “The School” injected them with bird genes. So now, they are 98% human, and 2% bird. The only real quality of a bird that they have is their wings. Which yes they can fly with! Each of the kids look up to Maximum, as there parent figure since she is the oldest. Therefore, what happens when the youngest of their flock gets kidnapped and taken back to “The School” Max’s only mission is to get her back! This book is an awesome read, which you will not put down until the last page. My recommendation is to buy book one and book two or rent them at once because book one will leave you wanting more! (There are currently five books in the series!)
Maximum Ride Schools Out Forever Review coming soon!
-Alex Malerba
alexmtst@gmail.com or alexgmalerba@gmail.com
Here is the review for the next Daniel X Book Watch The Skies, which comes out July 27th 2009! (I could not get the picture to for the cover, but the Amazon link has the cover!) Sorry!
Daniel lives in a quite town of Holliswood. A normal city in America, kids playing in the streets, going to school, listening to iPod, going on the computer…ect. But only Daniel notices something stranger than normal, every TV in Holliswood, and every iPod, and other electronic devices starts playing music, and won’t stop. The reason is a new alien outlaw has landed on Earth. This aliens powers are stronger than expected, he can control any electronic device that he wants to at his will. Daniel, and his “friends” do all they can do to stop this horrific alien before he takes over Earth! What will happen to Daniel X? This book is a great follow up to The Dangerous Days of Daniel X, and will leave you wanting more!
Here are some book Reviews that will becoming in the next month or so.
And Then Everything Unraveled by Jennifer Sturman (July 2009) *Current Read*
Columbine. David Cullen (Out now) (Love his last name)
Catching Fire (Hunger Games Book 2) ( September 2009)
Kingdom Keepers 3. Ridley Pearson (August 2009)
The Host Stephenie Meyer (Out Now)
So there they are! I can’t wait to share them with you guys!
There will be of course more than just those reviews but those are the major ones! I will be have some book news coming in a few weeks. I will also give hints that I will be posting on my Twitter page which is twitter.com/Alex_Malerba 🙂 Follow me!
Thanks Alex
This book has a fast pace fun plot. If you like a mystery with some romance than you’ll love this story! Delia is just an average teenage girl that has the worst luck. Her father died when she was younger, and her mother who was on a trip to Antarctica just disappeared. Now she is forced to move to New York City with her aunt.
That’s not even the worst part, Delia knows that her mother, T.K, is not dead, she is alive, but nobody will believe her. Delia is on a mission to locate her mother, but experiences many hardships. One is that she starts falling for a guy named Quinn, but she tries to keep her priorities straight, and find her mother. This boo is a very great read, an adventures girl on a mission that makes everything unravel.
Book comes out July 2009!
Columbine by Dave Cullen
This book is a great, very educational about what happened with the 1999 school shooting at Columbine High School. Dave Cullen has been writing this book over ten years. He is the leading person to go to on anything Columbine. This book talks about the events leading up to the shootings, and why. In this retelling of the 1999 events, Dave tells a complete story of everything that happened with the school, how they have overcome the shootings, and what has changed over the years!
I loved this book!
Shiver is a wonderful book that capures your imagination, and heart! Shiver follows a teenage girl named Grace, who has always been in love with the wolves in the woods behind her house. One in particular, a wolf with unique yellow eyes! The wolf is named Sam, and he waits in the woods, with his pack all winter long until he can see his summer girl, Grace. He can only visit her in the summer because that is when he is human! I thought that Shiver has a wonderful plot that has twist that not even I could have seen coming! This book is a great wonderful read! Pick this up when it is released August 1!
Kingdom Keepers is a wonderful book about 5 kids that are transported into the MAGIC KINGDOM, every night when they fall asleep. They are called DHI’s Disney Holographic Host, and they have to try to save Disney world, because at night the rides come alive, and are trying to overtake the Magic Kingdom to take over the world! What will happen if they succed, or fail, the fate of Disney falls on these 5 kids. I love this book Ridley is a awesome writer! (He reviewed THE HOST, if you have your copy its the second blurb on the back)
The Scarecrow by Michael Connelly is his latest novel. This book is action packed, with adventures on every page, a non stop page turner! I could not put it down! In this action packed book, Jack McEvoy, is in his last day writting for the L.A. Times. Jack wants to go out with a BANG, he is on a mission to write the best story he can. Jack is focused on writting about Alonzo Winslow -a 16 year old teen- who is being convicted of murdering a Hollywood dancer, but when he discovers that the story is bigger than he thought, and Jack discovers that Alonzo might actually be innocent. Things start to turn, and Jack is now writting the biggest story of his career! But when things start going wrong, while Jack is looking for the killer, the killer is not looking for him because he knows he is coming and is waiting…for his kill. Now Jack is not just writting the story he is the story. Will Jack survive, or catch the killer? Find out in THE SCARECROW by Michael Connelly!
This book was totally amazing, but WARNING, this is published as an Adult book, with language, sexually scenes, and violence! Just a heads up!
The Hollow by Jessica Verday is a phenomenal read that will leave you itching to read the sequel! Abbey, a teenage girl, has just lost her best friend Kristen – to a freak accident where is fell into a river. This seems very odd to Abbey because when they were just pre-teens they promised each other that they would never go to the river without the other just in case something happened, and Kristen broke that promise. This leaves Abbey wondering what could have happened to Kristen. Abbey and Kristen use to visit the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, but now it feels weird to Abbey because Kristen now lives there, 6 feet under the ground. Still Abbey stops by the Cemetery almost every day, she evens meets someone, a guy, who she starts to fall for. In time, Caspian and Abbey become close, but as Abbey gets to know him things get stranger and stranger. Abbey also continues to search to find out what happened and why Kristen was done at the river, she soon discovers something that makes Abbey re-think their whole friendship. She soon has to think about her love for Caspian and what it is really about, it is as if he is too good to be true.
Jessica Verday is my favorite break out author of 2009! She writes with such passion that it is hard not to think that this is fiction. The Hollow is such a wonderful book full of twists. I think that you should go pre-order this book now because it will fly off the shelves at your local bookstore! Its not your average love story, it’s a love story with a paranormal twist!
Do you Twitter – Then follow Lee Verday, husband to Jessica Verday on Twitter. Twitter.com/Leeaverday
Everyone knows the story of Cinderella, right. Well ASH is a different kind of Cinderella story. Much different. Aisling, better known as Ash, losses her mother at a very young age, and when her father get remarried Ash learns to live with it. But when her father becomes deeply ill, and dies she is forced to live with her step mother and her two daughters. Ash is forced to work as a maid around the house to repay her step mother for her fathers debts. On her free time Ash slips into the forest where she feels closest to her mother, but she soon discovers someone – a man – but soon she discovers that he is not really a man, but a fairy. His name Sidhean, and he promises to grant Ash anything she desires but at a cost, that he will not tell. Later in the same Wood Ash meets someone that changes her life, the Kings Huntress, Kaisa, who Ash becomes very close with. Through the story you watch their blooming friendship turn into a wonderful relationship.
This is a powerful, and different retelling of Cinderella. I have read many “retellings” of Cinderella, and other fairy tales, but this one is unique and has a special quality to it. Malinda Lo is a very talented debut writer, a new voice in Young Adult fiction.
Now I have to say this Ash is a ” lesbian retelling of Cinderella” but I think its more than that, I dont look at it like that, just two people who fall in love. A beautifully debut novel by Malinda Lo!
Click here to see the full jacket for ASH, published by Little Brown Young readers, September 2009!