The TST Bookshelf

Here the staffers of Twilight Series Theories will post what they are reading at the current moment! We will all we updating the page according to when we finish a book! So look what the staff is reading!


I am about half-way through “The Book Thief” and loving it!


Finished THE HOLLOW by Jessica Verday, and ASH by Malinda Lo, and now I am reading RUINED by Paula Morris, then I think I I will be reading….wait for it…. KALEB NATIONS book! YAY!! TWILIGHT GUY! I know! Crazy! πŸ™‚


I have FINISHED ‘If I Stay’ by Gayle Forman!Β  I will admit that I did NOT want to read this book!Β  LOL!Β  I started it, and figured it would be sad from the book jacket!Β  I don’t like to read sad books or watch sad movies… they are just not my thing!Β  So… after getting past the sad stuff, I really did enjoy it and think you all should read it!Β  Who knows it might be something we talk about on the show one week!

Now on to Wings by Aprilynne Pike!


I am working on the book Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke.Β  It is an epic fantasy about two magicians who restore magic to England during the Napoleonic wars.Β  They perform many strange acts (like creating an entire armada made out of rain to frighten the French army, or causing all of the statues in a cathedral to tell their stories of woe) and eventually help England to win the war.Β  But with a mad king and some of their friends becoming despondent and talking about a mysterious man with thistle-down hair, are Strange and Norrell ready to take on the original English magician – the Raven King?

73 Comments to “The TST Bookshelf”

  1. Carly Lautner-Lambert-Lightwood says:

    personally….TEAM STARK. i love him, for some reason.

    and i DO NOT LIKE ZOEY. she’s a narcissistic bee-yotch who sleeps with one guy and expects the rest of them to still love her. i read the books for Damien and Jack, who are my favorites. but igh. Zoey is a user, a betrayer, and all-around bitchy.

  2. Alex says:

    Carly you do know he is GAY, right!

  3. Krystal says:

    That doesn’t matter, Alex. My friend is obsessed with him and is hoping that she will be the one to change him, lol! She is convinced they are meant to be together πŸ™‚

  4. Carly Lautner-Lambert-Lightwood says:

    thank you, Krystal.

    see, SOMEONE gets it. jeez.

  5. Alex says:

    Wow, you guys are special! LOL,
    Kyrstal LOL, I think your friend is trying to change something that is un-changeable πŸ™‚

  6. Carly Lautner-Lambert-Lightwood says:

    YAY! Krystal’s reading Wake!

    and who’s to say it’s unchangeable? i bet it’s happened before. plus, maybe Adam’s bi, and he hasn’t found that right girl yet…?

  7. Krystal says:

    Well, see, in a recent interview he said that he likes to make out with an occasional girl and that he thinks all the female attention is hot. So my friend sees this as a glimmer of hope. Either way, I think it would be fun to go clubbing with him! Lol!

    And Alex, I have to wait to read Fade. All the copies in the library are on hold πŸ™ Stupid library!

  8. Alex says:

    Hahaha, I thought this was TWILIGHTSERIESTHEORIES.COM, and not ADAMlAMBERTSGAY.COM lol!
    This is a TWILIGHT fan site not a ADAM fansite even though I think he is a great singer! LOL!
    And Kyrstal I know HAHA! Thank sucks! FADE Is AWESOME! I cant wait, for the interview with LISA! It sould be around the 8-9 of July! πŸ™‚ Cant wait!

    Carly is there anything you want me to ask Lisa


  9. Krystal says:

    I better get the book before then! I have a question for her, Alex. I am curious why she chose to write in the third person, rather than the first. What was her reasoning, just curious. πŸ™‚
    And I wonder if that is actually a real Adam website, lol!

  10. Alex says:

    Krystal I think I know why, I noticed that the whole book is written like a police report! You Know!

  11. Carly Lautner-Lambert-Lightwood says:

    hell YES. okay, ask Lisa (a) what her inspirations are, (b) where she got the idea for Wake, and (c) if she can make Cabel come to life so i can have him. lol. when i come up with more questions, i’ll let you know.

    and Krystal, i checked to see if exists. it does. check it out. i, too, want to go clubbing with Adam. oh my God…that would be awesome. i bet Adam would want to club with you too, Alex.

  12. alex says:

    He would want to club with me Haha! And i know another gay guy he would want well i know a few gay guys that are my friends that like him lol

  13. Kasha says:

    OK, seriously, I HATE the way half of every subsequent “House of Night” book basically sums up the last book. Really, I’m at book 4 now, don’t need a run down of the LAST THREE books… just an observation. I realize that it was probably done so anyone could “walk into” the middle of the series and kinda know where they are, but it’s just a little muck, in my opinion. I feel like I’m only getting half a new book and half a book review each time I read another (I did get all 5 read in one week- mostly because I could skip portions where Zoey says…. AGAIN…. that she is a “special” vamp, etc, etc, etc.)

  14. Emilee says:

    it’s a tie for me between Eric Night and Stark……
    And Zoey….i don’t know about her…..i think she needs to pick a guy to be with and actually stay with them not go around with anyone else…that’s just rude.

  15. Kirsten says:

    I have read the house of night series twice, and totally love them – almost as much as twilight..
    At the beginning I loved Zoey but in the last 3 books I really started to hate, seriously can’t she just choose one guy and keep that one guy, stop changing her mind already.
    I was totally team Erik all the books, until the end of hunted and now I am slighty team Stark instead, but cannot stand Heath. Zoey needs to break the imprint and forget about him!!
    Cannot wait for the next one, I think its released in november.

    – Kirsten

  16. Angie says:

    Ya guys are great! Krystal I love the House Of Night series. At first I was a lil “eh” about it but the plot is good and I personally love Stark! And I love that Aphrodite is on the good side. She wast the girl ya love to hate but she makes a decent person too! So anyone here loving the Mortal instruments series? Im on the second book and Im dying cuz of the fact that Clary & JAce are related……but at the same time Im falling for Simon. Poor Clary, and Magnus Bane……and Alec….I LOVE it!!!!

  17. Brita says:

    All of those books are or sound great C:

    I love how Kassie doesn’t have a section and then i rembered how long it takes her to read haha

  18. Alex says:

    HAHAHA< Brita I know Kassie will start a book now and not finish until DECEMBER! But we love Kasie, no matter what! πŸ™‚

  19. Carly Lautner-Lambert-Lightwood says:

    team Stark.
    team Heath.

    both of them are genuine. Erik is too hot and cold, and idk…i just don’t like popular boys.

  20. mrs. black yo says:

    have any of u read “carrie” by stephen king? it’s really weird… im almost finished with it

  21. Alex says:

    Of Course! I have heard of CARRIE! LOL! Just too scared to read it! πŸ™‚

  22. mrs. black yo says:

    its really really weird but somehow.. good

  23. mrs. black yo says:

    well i actually finished the book 2 days ago…

  24. Alex says:

    really I might check it out!

  25. Lee Verday says:

    Alex, Don’t be scared to read CARRIE. It’s very creepy but not very scary. Worth the read.

  26. Alex says:

    Really ok! Lee! I will look into it! πŸ™‚


  27. mrs. black yo says:

    yeash..what other book should i read by stephen king….

  28. Krystal says:

    You should read The Shining πŸ™‚

  29. mrs. black yo says:

    ok thanks! this is my 3rd time reading thw twilight series… nothing else can compare to it XD so im just looking for more good books to read

  30. Alex says:

    Personally I HATE Stephen King Why you ak because wht he said about stephenie Meyer, What did he say you ask! He said she cant write!
    -Alex πŸ™‚ Just my thoughts

  31. Carly Farro-York-Davis says:

    oh yeahhhh haha! he was kind of an ass, wasn’t he?

    looks like my yelling worked. i’m comment number 31, baby. OMGGGGG! *hyperventilates* 31! that’s my lucky number! *happy dances and sings*

  32. Alex says:

    Wow, I always new Carly was special and ya wow! 31!

  33. mrs. black yo says:


  34. Angie says:

    OMG!!!! I finished the Immortal Instruments series and loved it!!!! Cant wait for Cassandra Clare’s next series. I finished Wake & Fade in a day and loved them…..saddd to hafta wait til feb of next year for Gone in the trilogy. And I hit a reading block. Any suggestions for another book or series to read?

  35. Krystal says:

    Angie, you should try Graceling by Kristin Cashore. Kallie & I have read it and are thinking about making it a book of the month πŸ™‚ You should try Poison Study as well!

  36. Carly Farro-York-Davis says:

    i am special. duhhhhh!

    and Angie, read Bad Girls Don’t Die by Katie Alender. it was AMAZING. and the MI series rock, eh?

  37. Alex says:

    I love how almost all of the TWILIGHT fans love vampire books, and i dont! wired! huh!
    Dont yell at me!

  38. Krystal says:


  39. Angie says:

    Thanks Krystal. I’ve put that book on hold and am waiting bubbly for it to come. I read Maria V. Snyder’s Study series and loved it. Im all about devouring good books. lol

    Oh and Carly, I’ve also gone to get your book recomendation. The MI series rocked hard!!!! The end was a total shocker to me!!!

  40. carly farro-york-davis says:

    tell me about it, Angie. holy front door. it rocked.

    and Alex, the MI books aren’t vampire books. there *are* vamps in it, but they’re not actually *about* vamps. besides, MI kicks Twilight’s ass any day.

  41. carly farro-york-davis says:

    ohhh if you meant about Bad Girls Don’t Die…it’s about *ghosts* not *vampires*.

  42. Alex says:


  43. mrs. black yo! says:

    YES! finally bought wake and fade! ahhh cant wait to read them! ill finish them both in like 2 hours!

  44. Carly Farro-York-Davis says:

    when did i yell at you? it looks like *you’re* the one using all caps here, man. that to me qualifies as yelling.

    and i sorry for hurting your feelings. πŸ™‚ am i forgiven am i am i am i???

  45. mrs. black yo! says:

    started and finished wake today! started reading fade! ITS GOOD

  46. Carly Farro-York-Davis says:

    you guys are reading Wings? i saw it at the library. it looked like every other fantasy book out there. you know the story, character thinks they’re an average human, and then they find out something they never knew about their parents and realize they *aren’t* an average human. Wings looked like it followed the same plot, and i’ve read *way* too many books like that. yes, three of my favorite books series follow that plot line (the MI trilogy by Cassie Clare, the Modern Tales of Faerie by Holly Black, and the Gemma Doyle Trilogy by Libba Bray) but i am *not* interested in reading another.

  47. Alex says:

    Carly haha, i was talking to kyrstal lol!
    I WANT TO READ WINGS so BADLY~ its going to be a movie! Miley cyrus is starrting though!

  48. Krystal says:

    Alex-what?! Miley Cyrus?! Are you kidding me?! Ok, that just officially ruined it for me! Nooooooooo!!!

  49. jordan says:

    hey i found this newer book series this summer called the noght world series and there are 3 books and there are 3 books in those big books. they are similar to edward and bella’s love story because in the night world (a secret society of vampires, witchs, shapeshifters, werewolves, adn others) it is forbidden to fall inlove with a human and all these characters either do that or they find out unexpectedly that they are part of the night world i am in the middle of the 2nd one and am loving it!!!!!!

  50. mrs. black yo! says:

    eww miley cyrus is actually a man o.O

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