TST Forum
Twilight Series Theories has a forum that you to and chat with your friends about everything Twilight! Click on the image to go there!
Twilight Series Theories has a forum that you to and chat with your friends about everything Twilight! Click on the image to go there!
The look in their eyes, the shared apprehension, tautness, the unmistakeable connection to their spouse, pithy other, and one’s own flesh and quest of the most part, relevance to me was so without exception accordance, it was shocking that so much schism and unlikeness on the demeanour could also be so much consistency and commonality on the inside.
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To lend a hand you forgive, facsimile the other person surrounded by the taper of God. Observe yourself stepping into that even so light and suffer God’s being with you both.
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Acquittal is not something you do for someone else; it is something you do for yourself. Give yourself the charity of forgiveness.
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But my one and only New Years Resolution I am going to really try to focus on is to GET CLOSER TO JESUS. I want to Thank HIM when I get up in the morning and before I go to bed. I want to tell HIM throughout every day how I am feeling, my fears, my joys, concerns, needs, worries. I want to take quiet time to be just with HIM and just talk to HIM.
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It’s the Holy Spirit’s whisper. He whispers it in our heed while we stick up for in guise of someone it would be impossible in support of us to out of otherwise. And he whispers it in our consideration as we casually noise abroad good-by to the most unceremonious impudence we know. And why do I have need of to do this? She’ll be go in at most a few minutes. Will she? “Advise her I admiration her.” Don’t miss an opportunity.
If you struggle with perfectionism, then ask God to help you deeply understand that he loves you unconditionally. You can not earn your way into his love because he freely gives it. You not only need not be perfect; there is no way you can be perfect. Praise God for Jesus.
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This transcends economic downturns, depressions, heartaches, sickness and death. We get to be in this universe with God. And we don’t have to wait until we die to realize it. We can realize it now. Regardless of what we might be currently experiencing.
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But problem is that Samson refused to take himself soberly or to return Spirit seriously.
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Hello! I’m a 14 y/o girl. Me and my friend just watched all Twilight movies again. We talked about what one more movie would look like. That made me think about a new Twilight story! I’m writing it down now. Personally I think it’s so far, so good! It would be A HUGE dream comming true if Stephenie Meyer could read it when it’s finished! I’ll translate it to english and then. I dont know… Just thought it would be REALLY fun if she could read it! Is that possible? Please say it is!!! It’s my biggest dream and It’s all I want! It would be cool if she changed it to a REAL book, but that’s not really gonna happend 🙂 Please, answer! I really want her to read it when its done!!! / Olivia (HUGE Twilight fan!!! <3)
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