
Here is a new page that will be exploring the new Twilight Trends! On this page we will be posting Twilight Clothes, Apparel, and any other random Twilight stuff you can wear! I’m going to announce that if you have Twilight outfits that you bought or better yet made, send a picture of them to and we will post them on this page so everyone can see and admire them! Have fun everyone! Note: To find out more about these items just click the picture!

Hey there everyone, New Moon is coming! So I thought today I would feature some great “New Moon” Trends as well as feature a great shop on Etsy! So without any further ado I will tell you a little bit about it 🙂

Her Shop is called “Fallen Hearts” and its full of Twilight jewelry any twilight girl will go crazy for. “Fallen Hearts” Is a handmade jewelry shop run by Desiree with the help of her three cats and Japanese Chin dog, actually the dog doesn’t help all that much. Most of her creations these days are inspired by the Twilight Saga so expect to find lots of jewelry with extra romance, mystery, drama, and Dazzle. Fallen hearts has over 120 different Bracelets, Necklaces, earrings, rings and other accessories inspired by the Twilight Saga. She also loves to do custom work, and is always up to create a special one of a kind piece of jewelry! Remember, if you want to know more about the item click the picture!

This is Renesmees’ Locket and is her best seller since releasing it earlier this year 🙂

And here is one of my personal favorites cause I love werewolves! A Jacob Necklace!

And show every one you’ve been bitten by the Twilight Bug with this beautiful necklace!

And Desiree also did a wonderful job recreating Bellas Bracelet. 

And I also would like to show you a beautiful Twilight Charm Bracelet you can find at “Fallen hearts”. 

There is so much more at her store ( and I think you should all go check it out! Its a wonderful place to find some unique twilight jewelry!

So here are some more trends that are all available for purchase, also I have spotted shirts at stores such as Rue 21, Wet seal, and of course Hot topic, and I have seen kiosks full of merch, so keep your eyes open the next time your shopping. 

And I can’t resist to feature some shirts that are available for purchase from and


So now if you have decided to read along, I want to tell you about Essence of Twilight, My lovely cousin gave me the Edward scented lip gloss, lotion and body spray. It smells REALLY good, I was pleasantly surprised. Usually I wouldn’t by something like that before smelling it, but you have my satisfaction if you need it. Here are links to their

As always guys, send me your latest trends and tips on sites!

124 Comments to “Trends”

  1. Alissa says:


  2. Tiffany says:

    ooo i love it sooo much! i want that dazzled necklace

  3. karly says:

    I want the buttons

  4. Natalie says:

    Oooooh! I want the Edward!!

    Too cute. 🙂

  5. Elizabeth says:

    I want the “Forks” earrings, lol

  6. TwilightGeek says:

    there are so many twilight inspired t-shirts and sweatshirts and bags at

  7. Daisy says:

    Aw. This are so cute!!! I really want the necklace!!! 😀

  8. Megan says:

    Ahhhh, I LOVE the bracelet with the heart and the werewolf. I wannt ittt!! 😀 lol.

  9. Holley Wright says:

    The website for the crocheted Edward isn’t working. Do you have something else for that item?


  10. sou says:

    I love the bracelet and the dazzled necklace. ^^

  11. alyssa says:

    haha i have pants that look a lot like those shoes…. and is it weird that i read the page in the background of the bookmark….and i could actually figure out what part it was!! hehe

  12. McKell says:

    haha if you have pants send a picture in 😀

  13. Nikki says:

    woohoo we made it on here!! 😀 Ang is going to be soo excited when I show her!!

  14. Kenzie Lou says:

    I love this! The things that these fans make are absolutely outstanding…This is TOO cute!! :]

  15. […] updated the Twilight Trends page! This is oneof my faves! To check out ALL of the new trends, click HERE! If you have a favorite Twilight tee, scarf, necklace or whatever you can email a picture and […]

  16. mandy says:

    omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill have to get them all!!!!!!!!!!! they r the cutest things in the world twilight has ttly changed my life ttly turned it upside down

    TWILIGHT IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. sou says:

    ome!! I love the save a volvo shirt!! gaw!! So cute!! XD

  18. georgia says:

    LOVE IT! Me want… *drools*

  19. Wdnesday says:

    Do you have anything like the crystla neclace tat one of the vampires gives to bella?? I want one really bad. DO have any??

  20. Peeves says:

    I love the bumper sticker

  21. Maria Cullen says:

    i like the im betting on alice shirt

  22. ... says:

    luh-ve the bumper sticker

  23. […] Trends page has been updated, its a big one too! Click Here to check it […]

  24. Tiffany C. says:

    i just got 8 buttons twilight related…

    my favorite is:

    “Read Twilight. (Or I’ll provoke the Volturi and blame you.)”

    tee hee

  25. Brittney says:

    I love the bracelet with the mini book covers but I think the price is ridiculous. (No offense)

  26. twilightlover35 says:

    i loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (calling for my mom and ger credit card) wink wink

  27. ashley says:

    omg to cute

  28. alicia says:

    i love everything and need to know where to get them

  29. Kassidy M. says:

    Oh my i’m ganna have to get that stuff

  30. McKell says:

    To find out where to get the items, just click the picture 🙂

  31. jen says:

    i love everything
    i have to get them
    all of the stuff is so cute

  32. Jasmine says:

    AWWW!!! I want my whole closet to be Twilight stuff!!!!!!

  33. KC says:

    I love all these t-shirts, but I want one with quote “When you can live forever….what do you live for?” I’ve been looking and I haven’t been able to find one. 🙁 But I still love everything….

  34. Jasmine says:

    Omg everything is so cute i want some of this stuff

  35. Michelle says:

    I JUST bought that bracelet with all the book covers on them! I’m so excited! Thanks for the recommendations

  36. Sidonie Clearwater (OBSESSED!!!) says:


  37. victoria says:

    michelle –

    where did you get the bracelet?? I want one!! 😀

  38. forevertwilightobsessed says:

    okay… i’m not trying to be rude or anything… but when are you guys going to update this?

  39. JJxxx says:

    i know every one wants the clothes etc…………………..i just want EDWARD……

    when will i find a boy like him…….um never

  40. Jasmine says:

    The stuff is soooo cute!!!

    Jasmine (Team Edward,Bella,Renesme!)

  41. Kalo says:

    WoW these are ALL CUTE STUFF ! I CAN’T WAIT TO BUY !!!

  42. Alex says:

    whats on nov. 4?

  43. ... says:


    (the first one)

  44. ... says:

    and the ELECTION is on nov 4!!

  45. The Twihard says:

    If only I could buy EVERYTHING on that list! But I’m broke, guess I have to wait for m paycheck or something.

  46. Samie says:

    Wow i so love those bag! gotta have one! to bad im broke! oh well when the movie comes out there will be alote more things out, and in stores rather then just buying over the net… not that it bad tho… but a litte bit more of a money saver lol…anyways love everytthing! drool!

  47. Jasmine says:

    omg i totally want the bag its so cute i cant wait for the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. *Kristen says:

    AWSOME!!! I wish I had enough money to buy everything Twilight.

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