Question of the Week ~ The Twilight Movie

Apr 24th, 2008 | By | Category: Question of the Week


So, what are you looking forward to most about the movie?

I would also like to add…is there anything you are not looking forward to?

Our next podcast will be all about the movie! We will discuss what we are looking forward to, the cast and crew…you name it!

107 Comments to “Question of the Week ~ The Twilight Movie”

  1. nollie says:

    AH!!! Why can’t it be December already? Seriously, if it was December, we would get to see the movie AND Breaking Dawn would be already released. –sigh– lol sorry had to rant there (lol).
    I’m actually looking forward to a lot of things regarding the movie. From what I have seen from MTV and other interviews/chips, there are many things which I’m actually looking forward to regarding the movie but the one thing that I’m most looking forward to seeing, which from the beginning of have always wanted to hear it, was, but of course, the famous Bella’s lullaby. I know that MTV released clips and an article saying that it does exist, which I’m GLAD it does because throughout the entire saga, Bella’s lullaby is one of the key points/details. It can’t be over looked that. PERIOD! I personally don’t care what they’ve changed or added, so long as it stays true for the most part to the book and that they have the lullaby in there.
    I’m definitely looking forward to hearing, especially to see if Robert Pattison writes the song or not. I hope he does for many reasons. One of those reasons is that no one knows Edward better, other than Stephenie Meyer, is Robert. We know that actors often speak as though they are their character, so Robert knows what Edward is feeling and thinking. So for him to write the lullaby and not some guy who probably has never read the series would be totally VAMPTASTIC! (Lol) And another reason is I want to hear his talents. We know, thanks to MTV, that he’s talented musically, wanting to start a musical career, and no better way to start it than write a lullaby that will be known throughout the world by Twilight fans (and then some) everywhere.

    I can’t actually thinking of ANYTHING that I’m not looking forward too because everything I have seen has been so vamptastic that I CAN’T wait for the movie.

    Love the podcast!

  2. Tina says:

    I’m looking forward to everything about the movie, but if i had to pick just one thing, i would have to say seeing the beach scene and the meadow scene!

    the one thing i’m not looking forward to, is whatever scenes they cut out. I’ll miss them! but, c’mon, it has to happen! hopefully the stuff they leave in will make up for it 😀

    love you guys <3

  3. Amy says:

    Oh… this movie. Where do I begin?!?

    Besides the obvious “Meadow scene” and “Crash scene” answers, I’m really looking forward to see how they shoot the first Biology scene. I kinda spoiled myself and read the sides online, and I got such a clear visual in my head, and I know it’s gonna be amazing. I also can’t wait to see all the scenes they add to the movie, that aren’t in the book. I know that they will help enhance the story in it’s cinematic form.

    Honestly, I can’t wait to see the whole thing.

    As far as things I’m not looking forward to, there’s nothing that comes to my mind *cough*Jacob*cough* lol.

    I love all the podcasts, and I can’t wait to hear this one!

    X’s and O’s

  4. Jessica says:

    Hey gals! Great podcast last week, as usual! I think it’s cool that you are going to discuss the movie!

    I am really looking forward to seeing the chemistry between Rob and Kristen! I am also looking forward to falling in love with Bella and Edward all over again. I’m hoping that the impression I get from the books will be carried out through the movies! I think that the entire cast is just wonderful, and I can’t wait till the movie comes out! Seeing all the characters whom I love being portrayed will be just wonderful. The action scenes are going to be fabulous! I’m really anticipating seeing the baseball scene, with the vampires all running fast with the loud sound when they collide! I really think seeing all the special effects will be just great! I want to see the carpet thing moving under the ‘nomad’s’ feet. It was described in an interview with Rachelle, the one playing Victoria. She said it was really hard to look like she was walking slowly, while the ground is ‘moving’ underneath her. Oh, I’m also really excited for the famous meadow scene, that Stephenie started the book from. I believe Rob and Kristen will pull it off wonderfully!
    What am I not looking forward too.. thats a hard question. I guess it would have to be getting a little upset at the parts that will be left out, and maybe some parts that are added. But of course, they can’t do the entire novel, at least I know that.

    All in all, I am greatly anticipating this movie!
    WHY CAN’T IT BE DECEMBER 12th already??? Oh, here’s something funny I thought I might add. Since the Harry Potter movie is coming out about 2 weeks before twilight, Harry Potter theaters are going to be totally empty!!! hahaha! I am totally going to see Twilight before Harry Potter. I thought I might add that little thought. Thanks! 🙂

  5. Chelsea says:

    To be honest, I really don’t think that there is anything I’m NOT looking forward to with the movie. From all the digging I’ve done I have absolute faith that this movie will be amazing even with the Hollywood changes that needed to be made. I can’t WAIT to see Kristen’s and Rob’s chemistry during the movie!

    The biggest thing I’m looking forward to … well the entire movie. I won’t be picky, I just can’t wait to see the entire thing…the dramatic scenes of course will be awesome and I’ll be drooling in my seat but the action…man the action. Most movies would CGI the boards on the ground in the ballet studios, yet the stunt doubles do this scene and end up with a concussion (rumored I think). I can’t wait to see how they really vamp everyone out!

    Kassie…in reference to the last podcast where you said people were getting kinda upset with you about your boo’ing of Jacob…I think you just just do you and let the people that lovey ou enjoy 🙂 I suppose that’s a little selfish hehe 🙂 I like that you’re so Pro-Edward!!

    All in all…Twilight is going to be an amazing movie and it’ll be great to finally realize that I’m not crazy when I read a book and think there is a movie playing in my head because my imagination is so overactive..but once the movie comes out…EVERYONE will see what my imagination did! 🙂

    *Thanks for totally saying my name last week, I felt so special because my theory was good enough to mention!*

    FANTABULOUS darlings!! 🙂 😛 😀

  6. Shannon says:

    What I looking forward to the movie is seeing Bella and Edward on screen. I have read the books many times and I always pictured in my head what it would look like. I would love to see them kiss for the first time. I also want to see the whole Cullen family. I want to see how they interact with eachother. I have had images in my head that will now be on the big screen. I also want to see James, as well. He sounds scarier in the books. On screen, from what I have seen, he looks amazing. The fight scene between Edward and James is going to be awesome.

    What I am not looking toward to is if they forgot parts of the book. I don’t like how the movie is different with the book. I hope they keep it true to the book. It will make a lot happier.

  7. Paola says:

    Oh boy!! I’m actually looking forward to the whole thing is hard to pick a particular part however the part I picked is a very insignificant scene but is it was so hilarious that i was ROFLing while I read it. is on pg 364 is when Edward in running with Bella towards the baseball game and when he stops running she lets go of him and falls flat on her butt and He burst out laughing so hard.

  8. Katie Bug says:

    I am actually not looking forward to the movie, period.

    The Twilight saga has created this magical world inside my head, and no one and nothing in reality could possibly live up to it.

    While I like everyone on the cast as actors, they do not align with the standards I have set in my head. I mean, face it – no one could really be as hot as Edward. I mean, I love Rob, and I think that he’s gorgeous, but he’s on a completely different level than the Edward of my fantasies.

    I just reread the series, and every now and then I would try to picture the characters as the actors, and it almost made me cry every time. They are good, but they are not the real characters, and to destroy such a carefully and caringly constructed fantasy is a crime.

    Also, I’m kind of a silly, hardcore fan, and even the slightest, most minute of deviations from the books make me want to tear my hair out. Running in trees? I’ve read the series, like, over seven times, and that’s just since Eclipse came out. I’m pretty sure that it doesn’t happen. Anywhere in the series. And that makes me angry, and sad.

    Then you have to look at the Harry Potter series. The movies nearly ruined the books for me. They are as untrue to the books as a movie can get while still conveying the general story, and I hate all of them. (Though the movies ARE good, in themselves. They are only NOT good when compared to the books).

    I will end up going to see the movie, even if I don’t want to, and i’m sure it will be good – as a movie. But it will never live up to the ridiculously high standards that I (and I’m sure many other silly, hardcore fans) have set in terms of its truth to the book and the closely guarded fantasies in everyone’s head.

    Katie Bug.

  9. Meghan says:

    I’m pretty much dying of anticipiation when it comes to the movie. I can’t wait to watch the actors bring Stephenie Meyer’s beloved characters to life. I think the casting directors did an amazing job and I can really picture all the actors as the characters they are portraying. I’ve seen Cam Gigandet in The O.C and he was an amazing bad guy. I can’t wait to see him as James.
    I think what I’m most excited about is the fight scene. I think it’s so cool that we get to see Edward and the rest of the Cullens fighting James since that was pretty much left out in the book. And of course I’m so excited to watch Edward and Bella fall in love right in front of my eyes. I can’t wait for December 12!!!

  10. rory says:

    I am not looking forward to waiting till December !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Sarah says:

    OHOH! I’m basically looking forward to everything of the movie.. I mean, with all the recent news and vidoes, who isn’t?

    Like most people, I’m really looking forward to the meadow scene.. the whole “awkward” and getting-close atmosphere will be so interesting! (and ..uh.. this has absolutely nothing to do with Edward described as wearing an unbuttoned shirt during the scene)

    Also, the following night of the meadow scene, where Edward stays with Bella. I (and I’m sure many other girls) will fall even deeper in love with Robert when we see him lying peacefully next to Kristen and humming her his lullaby.

    What I’m not looking forward to? Hmm.. probably what Kassie isn’t looking forward to either.

    Keep up the great work, Kallie and Kassie!

  12. TraceyFierce. says:

    Every day its not December 12, i die a little 😛

    ugh. grr.
    Anyways, I’d have to say, im looking forward to see Edward and Bella’s first kiss 😀 haha (got teenage awkwardness anyone?) and definately seeing the chemistry between them is something I’m also looking forward to.
    Oh! and the meadow scene of course! I’m particularly curious as to how they are planning to make edward glitter in the sun. I mean I seriously doubt they’ll cover him in ACTUAL glitter (though i wouldnt mind assisting in actually applying glitter ONTO rob, hahah just kidding…sort of :P) I’m guessing they’ll just do it with special effects (?)

    hmmm what else…
    Basically, I’m looking forward to ENDING the intolerable torture that is >>WAITING<< [and impatiently might i add] for the movie to come out. I suppose just seeing little things in the movie match up with details from the book (such as Edward’s extensive CD collection) is going to be interesting and fun to watch.

    I love the podcast! you two are an awesome duo. And no Kassie, you were definately NOT boring in the ‘edwella/bedward/bedwella’ podcast. I was thoroughly entertained. especially by the “shot in the heart”, “supporter speculations”, and that weird chewbacca noise. lol.
    You two remind me of my sister and I 😉

    les deseo un maravillosa dia y mando mucho amor!
    [i wish you guys a wonderful day and i send you my love]

  13. wendy says:

    My husband doesn’t understand the Twilight obsession, an especially my passion for the series!! I have tried and tried to get him to read the book. I even volunteered to read it to him!! He didn’t go for it. You see, he is more of a movie guy than a book guy. So, I am really hoping that this movie will draw him in to the series and at least give him the curiosity to maybe want to read the book? Maybe I am deluding myself!?!? But after seeing a few of the clips on line I think he will enjoy the movie as much as I know I will be LOVING it.
    I do really hope that everyone in the fandom will keep in mind that the movie is not a direct translation of the book. The movie will need to stand alone as a story unto itself. I think it will still be a GREAT movie, but I hope that people will keep an open mind when they enter the theatre and carry no expectations of the plot line with them. Enjoy it for the movie it is, not the movie you think it should be. Point of example is the Harry Potter movies. Many people find it hard not to focus on all the plot lines that were cut, lines that were uttered by the wrong characters and phrases that were added to the movie that were not in the original text. If you do that it will guarantee that you will be dissapointed. And it seems that the fan buzz is that what we want more than anything is for all 4 books in the series to be made into screen form? Vocal dissapointed fans may squash those hopes.
    My intent is to drag my husband into the theater, whether he wants to or not, with the purpose of seeing a great movie (with really hot guys, but I won’t tell him that part). I will try to block the book out of my mind with the hope of just engrossing and enjoying myself in the story playing in front of me. Then leave the movie as giddy as a school girl when it is all done! Watch out hubby!!! Can’t wait for Dec.
    On another note: Ladies I love your podcast! You have a great mix of news, comments and theories that are informative, entertaining and fullfill my NEED for more Twilight during this bit of a dry spell. Thank you for all your hard work and time. 🙂

  14. Jena says:

    I am NOT looking forward to the December 12th release date because there will most likely be snow here in Michigan and it feels like we just got rid of it all. I think it is forcasted for next week too. UGGGHHH! Thanks for the weather rant.

    On the other hand I am torn between wanting to see vampires play baseball, since it reads that it is more exciting than Major League ball, and hearing the lullaby.

    Love the podcast ladies!

  15. Jamie says:

    Okay so really could this movie hurry please!!! So I am most looking forward to the scene where Bella first sees Edward. I know that it has to be magical. Also their first kiss. I mean if they don’t play it out like the book it will be anti-climatic I think! I want her to lose control and him look at her and smile and say whatever he’d like b/c he’s gorgeous.
    I’m not looking forward to the scenes where Edward is hunting or something. I just want to see him and her together the whole movie!! Is that too much to ask? 🙂

  16. HennMom says:

    First, let me say that I read all three books in less than a week – even with my two kids (my two year old daughter and my 27 year old husband – married people, you know this is true) running around and working full time. Also, I have introduced half a dozen people who are now just as into this series as I am. My husband also does not understand my attachment to this story and continually mocks me for it – putting up with this is a small sacrifice for twilight that I am more than willing to make.

    Now to the topic at hand:

    I am of two minds about December 12th.

    One – I CAN NOT WAIT to see this fantastic story brought to life and to see if the things that I imagined in my mind while I was reading are portrayed the same way and I am dying to see the connection between Bella and Edward (side note: my vote is for Bedward). This is truly a great story and I can not wait until my daughter is old enough for me to share this with her along with the rest of my collection of must reads for her.

    Two – I am actually, physically nervous (sick feeling in my stomach) that I am going to be severely disappointed. I know that anyone who has fallen in love with a book is always a little bit disappointed with the movie version because there are certain tiny things they though should have been included, but needed to be cut out for time and numerous other reasons. But, I also know that there are some book-to-movie stories that after I have seen them I wish I hadn’t because there was so much left out or changed, that I liked what I had in my mind before the new stuff that the movie put there joined in. I just don’t think I can take it if that happens with this story – I would be SO sad. I don’t know if this will be bigger than Harry Potter worldwide, but in my little corner of the universe it is and everything crossable I have is crossed that this is not the case for this movie. There is nothing that could keep me from seeing it, I just really hope the aftermath is survivable!

    PS – love the podcasts and I listen at work the second they come out (don’t tell my boss!)

  17. Git 'r Done! (Amy) says:

    I’m going to keep this brief. The movie will be phenominal. What I’m looking forward to most is my husband has already committed himself to see it with me. I can’t get the man to crack open the books, or any book for that matter. So, at least he’s willing to venture that far with me into my little mental fanatasy world.

  18. Angela says:

    So, what are you looking forward to most about the movie?
    I am basically just excited to see the whole movie but these scenes in particular: crash in the school parking lot, the first scene in the biology lab and the baseball scene.

    is there anything you are not looking forward to?
    There is not anything that I am not looking forward to, but I just do not want to get my hopes too high and be disappointed. I generally think they are going to be as true to the book as possible.

    I look forward to your podcast every week, I have have been listening to the back episodes in between the new ones. Keep up the awesome job!

  19. Jennifer B says:

    I looking forward to seeing a movie based on Twilight. I know it will not be the same as the book….

    Just mainly watching the characters come to life (mainly Edward..:) So far just seeing the behind scenes online Rob and Kristen really are the characters.

    I am alittle worried about the feeding scene metioned by the stunt coordinator in the G4 video and that whole tree jumping/climbing scene.

    Overall, I am excited. I don’t know how I will make it to December.

  20. Laura says:

    I would have to say it’s the meadow scene. Nothing better to watch than a shirtless and sparkly Robert Pattinson. I might just die watching that scene. Also, the scene they filmed by the waterfalls. I really want to know what it’s about and watch it because i’ve been there and the place is absolutely stunning.

    There really isn’t anything i’m not looking forward too. I just can’t wait ’till December and take everything in! 😀

  21. Stacey M. says:

    Oh where to start….

    Finally seeing Bella and Edward together and onscreen. I can’t wait to experience the chemistry that they have together. Other than that I would have to say the fight scene at the ballet studio. There is so much that happens while Bella is semi-unconscious in the book that I just can’t wait to experience the demise of James. I hope that doesn’t sound morbid. But it is true. The Cullen clan is uniting together to save Bella. They all know how much she means to Edward and I just can’t wait to see that.

    But in all honesty I am even more excited about the huge possibility of SEQUEALS!!!! They just have to have to have to make all the books into movies. I feel like they will but are making the twilighter fans dance in our seats for an offical answer. It it will cause more hype and have more people go to the theaters….(sigh) fine.


  22. Sasha says:

    I am most looking forward to the action scenes, most defiently. But also how hollywood precieves the look that is Edward Anthony Masen Cullen. I, however, don’t think that the hottness will live up to every readers expectations. I am so totally not saying that Rob isn’t hot enought, just that, you know I don’t think that you can re-create hottness like that, you know? I can’t wait to see the romance, the thrill, and the heart stopping…ok so I can’t wait for anything.

    12-12-08 hurry to us all

    ps. if anyone gets to see Robbert P, please tell him he is dreamy!!!!

  23. Sasha says:

    “Better hang on spider monkey?”

    is that acutally in the movie??


  24. Erin says:

    I’m actually really looking forward to the scene when Edward saves Bella from the thugs in Port Angeles. I think that this is a really crucial scene and its when both Bella and Edward seem to realize how much they actually care about each other. Plus I think Robert being all protective will be super sexy. Can’t Wait!!!!

  25. Miriam says:

    Only seeing ROBERT!!

    …ummm.. okay…focus..twilight..the movie.
    Well I think that the biggest thing that I am looking foward to the movie is seeing all my crazy imaginations about the book come to life. Even though they might be a totally different thing.

    And also seeing all the love, kissing scenes that I have seen in my head and thought of for like who knows how long….blush..when is my Edward going to come, lol.

    And of course the rest of the book!!

  26. Lynn says:

    I am looking forward to the ballet studio/fight scene. I’m very curious and excited to see how they made up a fight scene from scratch considering Bella was out of if for the whole thing. I’m not looking forward to when Bella see’s Edward in her room. That’s not how she found out and it’s almost seems darker the way they set that up. It was a sweet moment in the book.

  27. Kari says:

    What am I looking forward to most? I guess I’m simply excited to see everything fleshed out – the beautiful scenery, the feel of the Pacific Northwest, the action scenes. The heart of the book is really Edward and Bella, though, and as long as they get that right, the movie will be satisfying.

    I realize that movie adaptation of beloved books are very difficult, especially when a lot of the story occurs in one of the character’s head. And poor adaptations occur when there are no deviations from the book to the screenplay. A good movie adaptation should not only be a stand-alone, but add something to the book while keeping the feel or the spirit. So far Twilight looks great because Catherine Hardwicke ‘gets’ the books, she understands teenagers, and she has collaborated with Stephenie. And she has made the book cinematic by emphasizing the action – even parts that Bella missed in the book while she was unconscious (like the end after she was bitten by James). We will get to see everything that happened.

    I would like to add for those that are afraid that the movie might spoil their vision of the books, that no one can take their own personal Edward and Bella away. Those characters that we all have in our heads are ours alone. Stephenie Meyer created these characters, but we all brought a little of ourselves along when we read the books. The movie will be someone else’s vision and interpretation. And each of the actors, no matter who they are, bring a little of themselves as well.

  28. Lisa aka Twihard Mom says:

    well now that I saw the clip by G4 on shock till you drop, i would really like to see the hunting scenes that the stunt director was describing.

    He said that the movie’s opening scene is of them hunting and this is something that Bella has never seen in person which means that there is not much description in the books…I would love to see the visual concept of how they hunt!

    I <3 Catherine!


  29. Bekah says:

    I think it will be interesting to see the adaptation between book and screen play. Catherine Hardwicke is a pretty cool dicrector; the cienematography in Lords of Dogtown was amazing. So I’m really looking forward to seeing how she works the camera angles. Also, just from the clips I’ve seen on mtv, it seems like james and his gang play a bigger role. So i’m curious to see what little plot lines they have there for their character development. and of course like everyone else i can’t wait for the beward scences!!
    there isn’t really anything i’m not looking forward to seeing. I’m so stoked for this movie to come out!

  30. Jessica says:

    I’m really looking forward to seeing these amazing characters come to life. I already have so much of the story played out in my head, so I’m really looking forward to seeing if the movie matches what I’ve envisioned.

    I’m not looking forward to the possibility that I could be disappointed. This movie could go either way: it could be the most incredible representation of a beloved story that I’ve ever seen, or it could be a total train wreck. I’m really hoping for the former.

  31. Megan H. says:

    I think this is the most excited I’ve ever been for a movie release. It seems like they’re doing an amazing job keeping the story intact. it’s hard to pick a favorite scene (although the meadow scene springs to mind…I must have read it ten times over in my first read-through). I think what I’m most looking forward to, though, is what I most enjoyed from the book, and that is the beauty of Edward and Bella’s relationship. The growing and building of an impossible romance, two people that love each other against the odds – this is what good love stories are made of! I have no doubt in my mind that Kristen and Rob can pull off those wonderfully tender moments.

  32. The Twihard says:

    HHHHHMMMMM… I think he thing I’m most looking forward to is the Fight Scene, I;m excited to see what they’re doing with it, because they get to do whatever they want to because Bella’s unconcious during the whole thing. Plus, those little clips from it look AWESOME!!!

    What am I not looking forward to?….. NOTHING!! I’m sure it’s going to be great no matter what because they have a GREAT cast and crew!!! They have all done a great job!!! GO SUMMIT ENTERTAINMENT!!! AND EVERYONE ELSE THAT WORKS ON THE MOVIE!!!

  33. Bridget says:

    With everything that I have seen, I am most excited about the accuracy of the plot and characters from the book. A bunch of my friends and fellow fans have been worried that they will ruin the book, but, in all honesty, i don’t really think that is possible. Anyhting remotly linked to the book would be wonderful just because the most basic principles (the love story and the vampires) are amazing on their own. What I am not looking forward to is the time between now and the actual release of the movie. There is still so much time to pass that I am affraid clips, like the latest MTV Meet the Character of Twilight, will continue to be released until you could smoosh all of them together and get the movie. That is my biggest dread, that the movie will be ruined before it is released because of all the press coverage. Other than that, WICKED PSYCHED!

  34. Sillie says:

    The thing that i am looking forward to the most would be Rob’s voice as Edward. Also how well the actors relate to the charaters. I can’t wait to see the chemistery between “Bedward” and the family in general.

    As for not looking forward to something, i can’t think of anything yet. Imean i am just so caught up in all the excitement of the moive that all of it looks so exciting!!!!

  35. Kia Gregory says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing the actual chemistry on screen of Edward and Bella.

    I am looking forward to seeing the Cullen family dynamic.

    And for some reason I am looking forward to seeing Bella first lay her LUSTFUL eyes on Edward! Hee-hee!

  36. kaity says:

    I haven’t heard anything about Edward reading people’s thoughts and Bella is the only person that Edward cannot read her thoughts. I mean they talk about Alice’s and Jasper’s talents, but not Edward’s. I’m not feeling good about Jacob’s hair (the guy that is playing him is HOT!), but I know the character’s hair is long, BUT it is tooooo long in the movie! UGH! I don’t know I’m kind of worried, because I’m so in high spirits about the movie what happens if the movie turns out bad (cough Eragon cough). This random, but I made a t-shirt that says Edward Cullen sexier than you since 1901:) teehee…

  37. Fallow says:

    Ohh man.
    Rob shirtless.
    I’m sorry, but it’s true.
    Or just his American accent. But the shirtlessness is preferred. But if he made me swoon by just saying ‘You’d better hold on tight, spider monkey’, just imagine what would happen if he told Bella he loved her or something! I’d love to just see Emmett being Emmett and Alice being all “LET’S GO SHOPPING!” I’d love it if they had Bella say “Stupid shiny Volvo owner” or the infamous “Frequently” response to the “Do I dazzle you?” question. I’m not looking forward to watching Jacob and knowing what he’ll become. I’m incredibly anti Team Jacob, but I love the guy playing him. I’m afraid of seeing Taylor nail Jacob but having to hate him at the same time. How can you hate someone with the perfect teeth he has?!
    OH! And James shirtless! I nearly forgot about him. He pretty much came into Twilight ripped because of Never Back Down, and I’m sure I’m not alone when I say I rewound the part of the MTV video where we saw his guns in action. I also kind of think he has kind of a Brad Pitt-ish look to him.

  38. Katie S. says:

    Ahhhhh the movie! Where do i begin!
    I am looking forward the most to seeing Robert and Kristen portray Edward and Bella’s care for each other. I cant wait to see the meadow seen! it is going to be awesome!!! haha

    Now i am not looking forward to seeing some of the added seens that werent from the book. The Twilight movie is supposed to be about the Twilight book! duh!!

  39. the littlest Cullen says:

    wow! where to begin??
    I’m totally anticipating everything about the movie, but in particular, I’m looking forward to seeing that day when Bella gets asked out 3 times and he’s just so EXASPERATED with everyone for putting her through that. I’m looking forward to it, so i hope they leave it in :'(
    I totally know how it feels to just be MORTIFIED when someone asks you out (its not them, its you, really!), especially when the guy you do like is right there!! urgh, poor Bella! i think i’d be sooo funny to see that on film!
    also, just seeing all these gorgeous actors will make me MELT! After seeing that MTV video (the one with the ‘spidermonkey’ line 😀 ) i might just pass out durring the movie from lack of oxygen…
    who knows? it could happen! 😉
    love you guys and your podcast, really looking forward to this one!!
    <3 the littlest cullen

  40. Scarletto009 says:

    What am I NOT looking forward to is the better question! I think Catherine Hardwick’s vision for this movie is brilliant and she totally gets what makes Twilight so special. The crazy, undeniable rush of first love. So, on that note…I can’t wait to see all the good Edward and Bella stuff – the meadow scene, the dinner scene, treetops and all the “getting to know each other scenes. I can’t wait to hear Rob’s voice without the accent!!! And I think the ballet studio fight scene will be legendary!!! Bring it on!! 12-12 BABY!!

  41. Stephanie says:

    im sooooo (X10000000) excited about Bella’s Lullaby!!!!!!!!!!! if Rob can pull off composing the song it would be perfect!! im kind of worried about the meadow scene just because there are such high hopes for it and it is my favourite scene/chapter in the book, so even though I know it can’t be the way it is in my head, I want to see how Kristen and Rob do the scene and their interpration of it.i also can’t wait to see Alice since she is my second favourite Cullen (Behind only edward).

  42. ATF says:

    I honestly don’t know what I’m most excited about. I’m reading the books for the second time in the course of 3 weeks and I read the meadow scene in the car today and got chills just thinking about how it will look up on screen. There are reports that the script is a great adaption that’s close to the story and even Catherine Hardwicke has commented about making sure she gets things right so then us fans won’t egg her.

    I think I’m most excited about the really just seeing how it will translate to the screen. I’m excited about the performances of the actors and just how much I will feel for them like I already do the book versions. That’s what is going to matter most: how the fans view these “new” characters as the already beloved ones.

    Or simply, basically everything! haha

  43. Gabby says:

    The thing im look foward to the most in the movie is seeing the charactors alive and moveing. also i want to see the meadow and Ballet Studio scene as well as Edwards house and school. To but it simple i want to see it all except the parts without Edward.

  44. Halle says:

    Okay so this is a great podcast because we all have so much to go on. I think I am most looking foward to how Robert Pattinson portrays Edward’s facial features. I always have this look to him in my head and I wonder if he will do the same. Another is I can see them, not just because they are pretty or beautiful, but because they are REAL, they are breathing and moving and it makes it even more believable. I also want to see how they all look and work together. Kristen and Rob seem to get along great. They tease and have fun with each other on set. I think that is really great. Some scenes also. Meadow (of course), Biology scene, and when Edward leaves Bella for the Hunt if they do that.

    As for the second question, I dont think that there is anything that I don’t like from what i have seen or heard. I am really only anticipating it. ( Its actually closer to insanity, I think my family is going to go crazy if they hear anymore). I am only 1 step away from OCD if this movie doesn’t come out soon!!!
    See Ya Later Alligators

  45. Halle says:

    You know another thing, I will definitley be looking foward to Twilight kicking HP off the box office list. HP fans don’t get me wrong I am all for Harry Potter but, I am definitley a bigger fan of this book. Really it will just show the support that Stephenie Meyer so rightly derserves. It will show the world of movie goers and the publishers who turned down Stephenie, how big of a mistake they made turning her down, or will make if they don’t see the movie. It will be absolutley phenominal!

  46. Bethany says:

    I am definetly looking forward to hearing Rob’s voice in an American accent. I was sad to hear that he wasn’t using his british accent because when I think of Edward I think of his dialect being very proper and when I read the books I heard Rob’s voice in his british accent, but this does take place in America and I guess that would make more sense. I am also looking forward to hearing all of the other characters’ voices as well so I can hear them as I read the books.

    What I am not looking forward to is the scenes that aren’t in the movie but are in the book. If they could put every scene in the movie I would still watch it even if it was 10 hours long. Unfortunetly they can’t put every scene in the movie which is something that probably saddens everyone.

  47. maria chavez says:

    I’m so excited about the movie. I’m always reminding my friends about the date. It really sucks thinking that it’s still months away. What I’m looking forward to the most is: The way the actors will be portraying the characters. I know they are all marvelous actors and will do an amazing job. I really want to see the new stuff that will be added to the film to make it a bit different from the book. Although I do hope that the movie really does stay true to the novel.

  48. marisa says:

    I am most excited to here Rob’s sexy American accent and i’m excited to see the meadow scene. I’m also excited to see the kissing scenes. Sorry for sounding gross at the moment.

  49. Stephanie says:

    Hmmm, it’s so hard to pick just a few things because the book is so amazing and the movie will be too! My Top 5 scenes would have to be( in no particular order ) the meadow, the fight scene at the end ( because Bella’s unconsious for most of it in the book ), Port Angeles ( the restaurant and the frat guys ), Bella’s first day at school, and the car crash:)
    On another note, but remaining completely on topic with the movie…I just read on TwilightMOMs that the teaser trailer should be out next week and on the previews for the movie Speedracer 😀 How exciting right!!

  50. Jordan says:

    I just first wanted to start off and say that I absolutely love you guys and that I’m a true fan and I download all of the podcasts every week on my i-pod. I absolutely loved last weeks Bedwella podcast, it was great as usual.

    Now back on topic
    I mean honestly is there really anything not to look forward to about this movie? I mean come on! There is soooo much to look forward to especially like the obvious scenes most Twilighters/Twi-hards are looking forward to like the meadow scene, the chemistry between the actors, and the first night Edward stays with Bella in her bed and Bella tells Edward that she loves him. But since Mtv and news stations have made and put out all these ah-mazing video clips its hard to say that there aren’t some key things that I’m looking forward to:
    1. Of course I can’t wait to see all the actors portraying their roles. I love how most all the actors plus other people working on set have at least read Twilight, I mean that’s pretty awesome.
    2. This “love scene” that was described by Catherine Hardwicke in her Associated Press interview where she apparently made Robert and Kristen act out this scene on HER BED while the were still auditioning roles for Edward and Bella. I’m not sure what Catherine means by love scene but I hope they don’t make Edward and Bella do anything more than lip kissing.
    3. Rob play his original version of Bella’s lullaby is a definite thing to look forward to. I just hope that he finds enough time to make the song as complex and beautiful as it is described in the book and to make it somewhat meet Stephenie’s requirements on how it should sound, because if it doesn’t she’s planning on trying to figure out ways to be able to get the lead singer of Muse to write the lullaby. Either way I just can’t wait to hear it.
    4. One of the tree top scenes where apparently Esme and Carlisle hear Edward and Bella laughing in the tree tops and Esme says “she has brought him to life.” I think that scene is going to be so cute I just can’t wait!
    5. To hear Rob’s sexy American accent once again …….just wanted to say that “you better hold on tight spider monkey” has become one of my favorite phrases
    6. Little Alice tear somebody’s head off in the big fight scene.
    7. And last but not least, the scene Im most dying to see and I hope the put in the movie is when Edward(Rob) takes off his shirt when sometime before or after he takes Bella to the meadow and when he stands directly in the sun…….Do I need to say more? Robert/ Edward + shirtless with dazzling skin + direct sunlight= pure beauty that Summit is hopefully not stupid enough to leave out of the movie.

    Overall I am pretty thrilled about the movie, and of course I’m a little scared to see how scenes from the book are going to be different because I know they will be unfortunately just like they are with any book-movie adaption. Everything that I have seen and heard about the movie so far has been by far so Vamptastic. All the video clips of the movie and the interviews have all been great and have left me gasping for air, and that’s just from seeing about a 1-2 minutes of scenes in the movie so I have a good feeling that the movie is going to be great. Ugg!! Ehmagawd why can’t it be December yet or at least August..

    Can’t wait to hear the podcast!

    Lots of love,

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