Stephenie Meyer Blog Update…
Jun 5th, 2008 | By Kallieross | Category: Book News
Stephenie Meyer has added a blog entry on her MySpace page regarding Copyright Issues! If you would like to read the entry, click here!
Stephenie Meyer has added a blog entry on her MySpace page regarding Copyright Issues! If you would like to read the entry, click here!
The Twilight Lexicon has graciously provided us with video of their interview with Kristen while they were onset at the La Push scenes a couple months ago! She’s so normal and down to earth…how could we not love Bella? Check out the video here!! “[Bella] is easily related to by most kids that age and
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Voicemails! The next episode of Twilight Series Theories (discussing the Shakespeare play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’) will feature voicemails from listeners. If you’ve read Midsummer, you know that the faeries’ love spells result in couples being mixed and matched all over the place. This week, our question to you is what couples do you think
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This week if full of discussion… First we peruse the news (including an interview with Werepire Kyle), then we talk about the parallels between Wuthering Heights and Eclipse using your answers to the question of the week! To top things off, we discussed a few Supporter Specualtions! And don’t forget, (Spoiler Alert!) we have a special
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The official teaser trailer for “Twilight” is now up on on iTunes. To access the trailer click on Theatrical Trailers under the Movies tab of your iTunes store!
Andrea Rodriguez has written an article about the Twilight Phenomenon. She told us, “There was a request for an article, that one could write about a trend that will be huge a year from now. Of course I chose Twilight!!” To read it, click here!
Laura answers some questions from the fans at about what Robert and other Twilight actors were like after her MTV visit as a guest-blogger. Laura was lucky enough to be surprised by Robert while at MTV so she let us in on some hard-hitting questions we might all have about him! That girl is
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Twilight Lexicon wants you to be Edi Gathegi’s friend. He may be a bad vampire and us Twilight’s should at least show him some love. If you wanna be his friend, click here!
There is another video on Flick’d MTV Movie News entitled “Twilighters Freak Out Over Our Exclusive Clip.” To access the clip you need to open your iTunes Store and search for Flick’d MTV Movie News under podcasts!
Twilight Guy has posted Reading Twilight: Chapter 12 (Balancing), and TwilightGuys Report: He Disguises Twilight In Public! Go check that guy out! Wait… that came out wrong! LOL! And, thanks to ‘Jessica Loves Edward’ for the heads-up!