11 Days Till November 21!

Nov 9th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Site News

Today’s question is:

What is your favorite quote from the book that you hope makes it into the movie?

Kallie: “I can’t imagine why that would be frustrating at all — just because someone refuses to tell you what they’re thinking, even if all the while they’re making cryptic little remarks specifically designed to keep you up at night wondering what they could possibly mean… now, why would that be frustrating?” Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 5, p.90 *Sarcasm Noted*

Kassie: ??? Are you kidding, I read the book…isn’t that enough!!! 🙂

Kelly: “Do I dazzle you?” I’s so funny and true and it wouldn’t and it wouldn’t be Twilight without it! Oh and “stupid shiny Volvo owner” it’s funny too!

Chelsea: “Stupid, shiny Volvo owner.”–even though it was a thought..I would love to hear Bella say it out loud to Edward lol.

Lauren: Oh my word…I don’t know WHICH quote!!!

Muna: “I can’t imagine why that would be frustrating at all — just because someone refuses to tell you what they’re thinking, even if all the while they’re making cryptic little remarks specifically designed to keep you up at night wondering what they could possibly mean… now, why would that be frustrating?”Bella; I was happy that she got a little snarky it added some comic relief to the book.

Alex: What if im not the Hero… It is…

Lexine: I really hope the blood typing scene is left in. i think it was written really cleverly, and the exchange between bella, edward, and mike is pretty classic. and, the question/answer days.

McKell: “Are you referring to the fact that you can’t walk across a flat, stable surface without finding something to trip over?” (thats from edward)

Marisa: “Yes. you are exactly my brand of heroin.”

Krystal: There are too many! But I like when Edward says “‘Don’t be self-conscious. If I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I’m not ashamed at it.”

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23 Comments to “11 Days Till November 21!”

  1. Tiffany C. says:

    i would love to see the blood-typing scene…

    -“bella, can you hear me?”

    -“no. go away!”

    makes me laugh every time! lol

  2. Anne says:

    I love Tiffany’s (blood typing scene) but am so sad that it won’t be in the movie (dont remember where i read it…)
    anyway, I am most looking forward to my fav scene…. the hospital confrontation after the car crash.
    but for a fav line:
    Charlie: I thought you didn’t like any of the boys in town.
    Bella: He doesn’t live in town.
    hee! always makes me laugh. sneaky bella!

  3. Madison Team Edward and Alice says:

    I agree with Tiffany,and I also like love the scene where Alice comes up in he cafeteria and Bella is like super shy

  4. Rachelle says:

    The quote about the lion falling in love with the lamb , particularily where Bella says “what a silly lamb”. So cute.

  5. Bella wanna be says:

    I hope they leave in the exact line that Edward says when he’s explaining the story as to how Bella ended up in the hospital… “You fell down two fights of stairs and broke the window… what? You have to admit it could happen.”

  6. lilliecullen says:

    Hmm. Tricky. I think….definately the lion/lamb thing, the heroin thing, DEFINATELY the stupid shiny volvo owner thing…..

    You know, just do the whole damn book Catherine. You can always put some bits as the special features on the DVD? *Angelic Smile. You know you want to.*

  7. Alice says:

    no matter how perfect the day is it always has to end.

    that quote makes me cry 🙂

  8. Marci (major obsessed) says:

    I want every Edward quote in the movie or I will die. I really love “you are my life now.”

  9. Sarah L says:

    It is the scene with Bella and Edward at the end when there in the hospital and she says something about the needles. MY FAVORITE!!

  10. Kandi says:

    My mother is part albino.
    Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 1, p.16
    i love that part in the book i laughed i know its prob not going to be in there but i still think its funny

    You scared me for a minute there. I thought Newton was dragging your dead body off to bury it in the woods.
    Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 5, p.99
    i love this one too and the one Kallie has its so funny i love it

  11. Hilda says:

    “Stupid Shiny Volvo Owner” ~ one of my favorites and I can’t help but smile everytime I read it or see one on the road!

    And of course, Edward MUST ask Bella if he “dazzles her” because I know he dazzles ALL OF US!!! 🙂

  12. sarita says:

    well this isnt in the book Twilight……it is in Breaking Dawn…..when Rosaile said “You. Got. Food. In. My. Hair” hahahaha

    as for Twilight……………. “stupid shiny volvo owner”

    my fav

    bella: you really shouldnt do that to people, its hardly fair.

    edward: do what?

    bella: dazzle them like that– she is probably hyperventilating in the
    kitchen right now…. oh come on, you have to know the effect you have on people.

    edward: do i dazzle you?

    bella: frequently,

    “look after my heart i left it with you”
    “so did you stab edward cullen with a pen or what”

    “I’m betting on Alice”

    “edward cullen is starring at you, jessica giggled in my ear”

    “i rolled my eyes, Vampires like baseball?” “it’s the american pastime, he said mock solemnity”

    “Damnit it bella you will be the death of me! I swear you will.”

    “Which is tempting you more, my blood or by body?”

    “if i could dream, it would be about you.”

    “So the lion fell in love with the lamb.”
    “What a stupid lamb.”
    ” What a sick, masochistic lion.” —Edward & Bella


  13. Peeves says:

    I would love when Bella and Edward are in her kitchen the day she is going to meet his family when she says about jasper ” Jasper is the one who can spill your guts out and make you feel all warm and fuzzy” at least i think thats how it goes? if wrong somebody please correct me:D

  14. Shteff! says:

    I’m just going with “bella” haha

  15. anushka says:

    lol i <3 all of them, but i love it in twilight when bella’s in the hospital and edward’s pretending to sleep and renee’s talking to bella and she whispers ” I think that boy’s in love with you….” and bella goes ” I think so too….”

  16. Jocelyn says:

    well i love the stuff mike has to say so probably the “did you stab edward cullen with a pencil or what?”
    that one is hilarious!

  17. Haley says:

    This isn’t the most important quote but, in the end on page 462
    “Ugh.” (Bella)
    “What is it?” (Edward)
    “Afraid of a needle. Oh, a sadistic vampire, intent on torturing her to death, sure, no problem, she runs off to meet him. An IV on the other hand…”

  18. osbessed twilighter.....aka...TWERD..:] says:

    too many to chose from…

  19. Erin(: says:

    If they don’t have the Dazzle me and the frequently stuff…. I will be so mad! I drive everyone insane cause when ever I see a Twilight book I say”Do I dazzle you? Frequently,I repied.” LOL! I did that today,too!

  20. Brandi says:

    OOoo mm I love it all I can’t think of one that I jsut have to ahve in the movie….. I love everything everyone has mentioned!!!!

  21. Amanda says:

    “friends dont let friends drive drunk.”-edward
    “you’re intoxicated by my very presence”-edward

    OH MY EDWARD, that was my #1 favorite quote
    second is “you dazzle me” and second is ” stupid shiny volvo owner”

  22. Lindsey says:

    I love at the beginning when she is about to go into the school and she thinks to herself, “I can do this. No one was going to bite me.”
    Haha it’s only funny when it read it for the second time because then you how close she really came to being bitten.

  23. Jacob's Girl says:

    I want all of the prom proposals to be in there. AND JACOB!!!

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