What did you think of the movie?

Nov 21st, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Question of the Week

This week our question is simple!

We want to know what you thought of the Twilight movie!?!?!

How many *’s would you give it? (5*****’s being the BEST!)

So, be honest!Β  Don’t forget we may read your answer on the next show!

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487 Comments to “What did you think of the movie?”

  1. Samie says:

    Man that was a Flipping awsome movie! i went into the movie not knowing how good it would be, i knew it was going to be good but i didnt think it was going to be AWSOME!!! and wow! the lines where insane! My friend and I went to ottawa thearters to go see it.. cuz well she lives in ottawa and i dont so i went down there on train to go see her and the movie, anyways, we bought of tickets online monday, for a 9:30 showtime, cuz all the other times where taken, so anyways, we went two hours early just to see how long the lines where, i knew there was gonna be a line, but i didnt know it was gonna be that long or even have that many ppl there already, but when we got there 2 hours before the movie, it was insane i swear there was atleast 100 ppl there already in line! they had two theaters open for the 9:30 show, and they fit the hundards of ppl in those two. me and my freind got awsome seats! my fav part of the whole movie was Charlie and his gun! when bella wanted him to meet edward.. that was friggen funny! lol… the fight sence was awsome to! but i was a little dissapointed (and this was the only time i was) was when Angla was with eric.. Ben wasnt even in the movie at all! but i can understand it saves money, dont need to bring Ben into the movie i guess.. eric will do.. lmao.. but over all LOVED the movie.. my fav part was at the end with Victora! that was awsome!
    I give it a billion stars!

  2. I can’t believe it’s over! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  3. The movie was soooo awesome. But what really stinks is that I’ve read all the books already(finished breaking dawn 1 mnth ago) and I want to see the other movies made.

  4. Bagels are hip says:

    hah at the end of the movie with victoria my mom was like
    “thats it?? wheres the rest of it?? why is it over?!?!”
    and i said…
    “mom. its over because thats the end of the book… and the rest of it is in New Moon. ”
    it was funny

  5. kelly clark says:

    well i would give it *** stars because they kinda messed up them movie. the first book was really all about edward and Bella’s relationship, and if he was going to be that monster and kill her or if he loved her enough not to kill her. but they just cut to the chase and was like your dating now. Also i really really hated that when Bella was sneaking away from Jasper and Alice she just walked out!!! thats like the oppiset of what happend in the book. she used Jasper aginst the other vampires and snuck away in an airport!!!!!
    And Kristen was a bad actor. im sorry but she was. there was no feeling to what she was saying. its like they programed a robot or something.
    I did LOVE the kissing scean! that was the best.

  6. Candie says:

    Well, honestly, i didn’t like the movie at all. i was super disappointed. Edward wasn’t as adorable as i thought he would be. Their paleness was obvious that they had make up CAKED on. The glitter on him when he was in the sunlight reminded me of hair, kinda. I don’t believe he did a good job as edward. Like he said on the interview on the Today Show, he was tryin to be himself. he didn’t act like an edward to me at all. just SAID the things that edward would say. The director or whoever wrote the script, screwed up the brand of heroin quote BIG TIME. If i hadn’t read all of the books, i wouldn’t have known what was going on at all. Onto the good points….I did think that MOST of them did a really good job portraying their characters. Especially Charlie, Jasper, Alice, and Jacob. Bella was alright. over all, i give it a 4/10.

  7. peaches5 says:

    2.5-3.0 Stars. The move was okay. Of course they could not put everything from the book into the movie. Yet, I think the movie lacked some serious character development. There could have been more dialogue between Edward and Bella to let the viewer understand why and how they fell in love. Instead there were so many starry-eyed stares. Yes, they had great chemistry. Yes, Rob’s portrayal was excellent. He by far was the best actor in the movie. Kristen’s portrayal was good, but I wish they would have given her more to say. My husband saw the movie with me, he has not read any of the books. So from his “non-Twihard” perspective, he like the movie. Yet, he asked “why did they fall in love?” I had to explain everything to him from the book. In our theatre, people were also laughing at all the wrong parts. Had they just spent a little more time developing the charactors, the movie was have gotten my 4 stars! I will see the movie again and I continue to be a Twihard!

  8. Veronica says:

    I was really disappointed with this movie. It was nothing like i imagined it would be. First of all, i never imagined Edward Being so depressed, and mean. my favorite parts were not in the movie. i really wanted to see the blood typing scene. I also miss when Edward tells Bella that she said she loved him in her sleep. and when he kisses her so she won’t be scared when they run. i thought that everything went by so fast and they didn’t linger on the details. there was no time to get to know any of the Cullens, especially Alice and her dressing Bella up for Prom.

  9. Jessie says:

    I liked the movie. I took my boyfriend with me to see it and he said that if I hadnt told him the story that he would have been totally lost. He said he thought Edward would have been more warm, which is true. I dont think they showed enough of Edward and Bella together, which made it seem like they were just all of a sudden in love with each other after a few days, which is too Romeo and Juliet for my tastes. I dont think the movie developed the characters enough either. I dont feel like I got to know any of the cullens or mike or eric or angela. And seeing how Carlise’s history is so importabt in the next book I wish they would have put that in. I wish they would have pulled a Lord of the Rings and just made it three hours long. For having read the books I liked them, but I dont think I would have liked it. I would have felt so lost.

  10. Ali says:

    I agree completely with those who say they didn’t enjoy the movie as much as the series. Let’s be serious people, the books were phenomonal and the movie was good.. for those who haven’t read the boooks. I bawled at the end of the movie — only because Robert Pattinson was beautiful (and because it was hard to grasp the concept that Edward wasn’t real). I was upsetted by those who laughed during the parts that were supposed to be series. For example, when Edward was creepin on Bella in science class. Also, didn’t Edward seem so much more intelligent in the books compared to the movie? I’ll rate it a 7 out of 10

  11. Ali says:

    Also, they didn’t fully develop the characters as well as the books did. I mean I understand because in the book to movie sequence, no movies have ever really been better than the books. I did enjoy how ditsy Angela was though, because I loved how they were all so out of everything and apart of reality when Edward and Bella were in their own world. I also loved how her life meant nothing until Edward came along…

  12. Miy (pronounced "my") says:

    I would give it 5 stars. Yes, there were a lot of things left out that would have been nice to put in. Like the blood typing and the science movie, but the emotion that the actors put into it made up for all that was left out. One example of this is when Alice is trying to help take care of Bella while she’s injured and she gets the blood on her hands. When she smelled it she looked like she would have (yes this is going to be wierd) eaten her had just to taste the blood. Ashley Green did a really good job with being lovably wierd too, like when Alice and Jasper came into the house when Bella first gets there. (My favorite part… Rosalie: Is she even Italian? Emmett: well, her name is Bella). The second part I liked was when Edward says (in the hospital the second time) that he and Bella shouldn’t be together. Kristen acts as if the breath was knocked out of her or like she can’t breath at all. It was truly amazing. My last but certailey not least (actually my favorite) part of the movie was near the end at the prom (I belive Larry talked about this at the live show) when Jacob comes to give Bella Billy’s message and Edward comes back. My stomach got this funny almost exciting feeling when I saw how much tension there was between Edward and Jacob when they stared at eachother. I can’t wait to see that brought back in new moon and hopefully all the other movies. In my oppinion Twilight was worth the wait, but I don’t know if I can wait for new moon. You guys are amazing! I love the podcast!

  13. Ali says:


  14. Stephanie says:

    I went into the theater with an open mind and when i came out i was crying. Not because i hated it but because i LOVED it soooo much! Rob and Kristen really had great chemistry and I think that if they didn’t then the movie would not have been as amazing as it was!
    I was so happy that they quoted directly from the book, it made it feel like they really were trying their hardest to keep as close to the book as possible. the scene where Edward takes Bella to his house for the first time was hilarious. Emmett trying to cook was soo funny! and the baseball scene was awesome to watch!

    Honestly at first when Edward sparkled it looked like he was sweating. i was like “isn’t he supposed to be sparkleing” and my friend was like “he is”. but then after they zoomed in on him it really looked like tiny dimonds on his skin. I was like “oh wow Rob is spaarkleing!” ( but the people behind us were like shut up we know! and then i said “just stateing the obvious!”)

    Ah… you gotta love movie theaters and Twilight!!

    All in all i ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY LOVED the MOVIE!!!! ( i am actually waiting for my friend to pick me up to go again while i am typeing this!)
    and i cannot wait until New Moon, i will sob when Edward leaves!!!

    Love your podcast keep up the amazing job!!!

  15. Miy (pronounced "my") says:

    sorry I didn’t realize how many typos (if that’s even how you spell the word) there were. Here are the corrections: eaten her HAND, but CERTAINLEY not least, when the stared at EACH OTHER.
    sorry for all that

  16. evercyn says:

    Loved it. My husband and I love the books and were so happy to finally have a visual for Twilight. Thanks to Sumit and to you for your work!

    Love it Love it

  17. obsessed twilighter says:

    LOVEDDDDD IIIITTTTT!!!!! ok….i thought some stufff looked fake…but man it was awesome!!…..omg…i luved edward sparkly!!!!!…..ok..i know people will hate me for sayingthis but…when i first saw that rob was going to be edward i was so mad…i really didnt like him….no….I LUV HIM…HES AN AWESOME EDWARD….omg..ppepperspray….and wat was it w/ jessica and her boob stuff…like the dress and yeah….i luv mike..he so cute…..AND OMG TAYLOR!!!!…….WAAA..HE ONLY MADE 4 APPEARENCES!!! his wig…..shudders….though i luved him!!!!!!!!!! im sooo excited for new moon……does anyone know when it will be started or realeased??

  18. Jasmine says:

    I Loved it i mean i went on knowing it would never be as good as the book but i was hoping that it gave the story justice and it did i thoght i moved a little to fast but it still got the plot across they cut out one of my fav scenes from the book but it was still great Im going to go see it again tonight Rob was a great Edward and Kirsten was and ok Bella she was always blinking ot got on my nerves but other than that she was pretty good the cullens were great and the cast was really great and kinda surprised me which was good i had a tear in my eye during the prom scene i was really happy with it all together so ill give it about 4 stars ****

  19. Yesenia says:

    I agree with many of the other fans, i felt the movie was a bit too rushed but i loved it any way i can’t wait until its out on dvd

  20. twilight_lover_forever_10 says:

    ok….so i watched the movie yesterday. i was of coure like everyone else super excited for the movie. So over all. I would give the movie a 2 out of 10. Im sorry for everyone who like dit but i disliked it. when i got out i was like ” Wow, i wasted money on this?” My friend and i went and we both thought they could have done a way better job on the movie than what was actually shown. They rushed the movie completely. Rob was NOT a perfect edward. The movie was completely changed from what the book really was. For ex: he part where she was about to get smashed by tylers car, yea it was suposed to be snowing, and she was supposed to be checking why her car was driving so easily, and she finds out charlie put snow chains on it, not the way the movie had it. They took the part in La Push when Jacob tells her the WHOLE legend not her buying the book in Port Angeles. The Cullens werent even at the prom!!!! Chapter 5- Blood Type in twilight is a main thing and they took it out completely. She was supposed to hear Claire de Lune, in Edwards car not at his house on his rooom. I dont understand why they were on top of trees, Edward is NOT Tarzan!! They didnt even say ” I love you” once!!! Honestly they should have given this whole thing much more thought than what they showed, cuz now a lot of ppl think this movie was just to make money and not care of what we (fans) think about it. Twilight is the best thing ever, and i dont think haveing many fans pissed is a good thing. What hapened to their first kiss in the meadow??? That is a BIG thing, they took that out completely, now thats gay. Also Edward looked dempented the first day he saw her in biology, like somoene farted or somwething, that was like awkward. The lullaby sucked. I could have found something way better. It sounded like an orchestra in the room.
    Ok now some of the parts i liked about it was when they snapped James’ head off, that was so bomb. Or the ending with victoria at prom, but i dont get why edward or the other cullens could smell her there since they have perfect sence of smell.
    Those are pretty much the only good things of the movie. If i had the opportunity to re make it wioth my choice of characters and everything, i would have made it way, way, way better than this.
    Once again i apologize to those fans out there who are as dissapointed in the movie as i am. I dont even kno if i should be excited for New Moon, or to just e like WHATEVER to it.

  21. Gina Cullen says:

    Oh my Edward!!!!! Definitely, I would give it an infinity amount of stars!!! I loved the movie, I think for a lover of the book it was very satisfying. It had so many lines from the book, esp. the meadow scene. I am going a second time to see the movie next week. I think the movies will get better and better with more money coming in. You could tell that some scenes were low budget, esp. the flying through the trees. But the dialog and how Rob portrayed Edward won me over. Catherine really cares about the books and it showed. If I had to say something bad about the film, it would be that Edward at times did not look pail when the lighting was lower. All the vampires looked great when they were really pail as the books described, but why did Edward sometimes look just like Bella? instead of pail all the time? Hope this is better in future movies. But overall the movie was great! LOVED IT!

  22. Gina Cullen says:

    Bring on New MOON!

  23. Brittany says:

    I aboslutely loved it!! Rob got the character of Edward to a “t.” Kristen played Bella and all of her clumsiness way better than I thought she would. I cannot wait to see it again and again!! and an extra note: I am so glad that this movie is doing as well as I wished it would!! Maybe it will help the other movies get bigger budgets!! <—- I’m all for that!!

  24. Kitzia says:

    Well I give it a 4.5 out of 5.
    I went and saw it at midnight. I was really excited !!
    The movie I thought had a lot of funny moments even when it didn’t call for it. I laughed at every part.
    When I first saw Emmett and Rosalie in the cafeteria scene my body had a spasm haha. I was moving my legs so much my mom told me to stop. The biology scene was hilarious when Edward first smelled Bella haha.

    I loved every scene, my only very small moment of disappointment was the scene when he goes into the light. It started off bad, but then it was amazing!!
    The scene I remember the most is when they are cooking for Bella,which was hilarious !!
    The acting when Bella got bitten was amazing, her acting soooo good !!

    The movie I thought was a little rushed,but hit all the main points. I wasn’t disappointed with the movie at all. I’m seeing it at least 4 or 5 times.

    You guys crack me up !!! Thanks for the podcast !!

  25. EmilyJean says:

    dont waste your money.
    it was the worst acting i have everr seen in my life.
    i applauded the guy that was sitting next to me and walked out in the middle of the movie and said (loudly) screw this im going to watch james bond

    1)at the beginning of the movie i said to my friend “im really excited i heard this was going to be good.”
    2)in the middle i was thinking they are going to waste all their money on making a sequel why? this has already scarred my good memories of the books
    3)at the end i was really mad and annoyed at the actors

    the good parts of the movie:
    1)stephenie meyer’s acting
    2)the music
    3) (this ones iffy) the baseball scene was probably the best part

    to end on a good note (sortive) (not really) (well not at all) chace crawford: perfect edward, robert pattinson: not

  26. Kayla says:

    OMG IDK WHAT TO SAY!!!! It DID NOT live up to the book, but we already knew it wouldn’t. OK, so my complaints!!! #1 their VAMPIRENESS!!!! what happened to it??? It was missing so many of their cool vampirish qualities!!!! #2 the RELATIONSHIP!!
    !!!!!!!! they never said ‘i love you’, there were only TWO kisses, they NEVER touched eachother’s faces, there was just NOTHING!!!!!! those are the main things, but it was missing SO MANY little details that make it what it is!!! one thing that really bugged me was that they never explained Jasper’s power! they said that he always looked like he was in pain, but they never said why and it left you thinking he was so weird!!! James bites Bella’s HAND not her ARM, and Edward just STOPS SUCKING OUT THE VENOM, he doesn’t struggle so much!!! the whole meadow scene was butchered, they just lay there staring at eachother, and the HUGE KISS was moved to her bedroom!! when Edward sparkled, it looked like he was SWEATING unless he turned and then you could kind of see the effect. But when he was laying down only his face sparkled and it looked UBER FAKE!!! the choice of characters was ok, I thought Kirsten did an AWESOME job, and I thought Kellan was also perfect. none of the others reall hit home. sometimes I was thinking, ‘WHO is this guy who’s trying yto play Edward???” but other times the chemistry was AMAZING. I was so bummed that there was barely any of the Cullens, they’re what make it so COOL!!!!!!

  27. goalicego says:

    I would definitely give it five stars!! ***** More if I could! I loved how it stayed so true to the book! I want to just keep seeing it over and over!!! I got a little teary during some of the cute Edward/ Bella scenes. The chemistry that they had happen was perfect. I found myself catching my breath continually throughout the movie. I, now, Really want an Edward for myself!!!! Lol. I guess I’ll just have to be patient!!! Can’t wait for it to come out on DVD!! Then I can watch it whenever I want!!!!!!

  28. EmilyJean says:

    i forgot to tell you about rob’s accent, i would call it brit/american/i dont know what the other part was it definitely wasnt anything i know

  29. Alexis says:

    Flaws: 1. It went really fast. Some scenes where kinda like a montage of things in the book.
    2. They are things I thought where really important that they shouldn’t have taken out of the movie.
    3. The acting could be a little bit better, but some of these people where all that expirenced with the big screen, so that isn’t that important.
    Great Things: 1. It was amazingly close to the book. The changes they made made it make more sense,and made it more interesting.
    2. The casting was good. Everyone in the movie did their parts wonderfullly. It was believable.
    3. The locations where great! Exactly how I imagined them.
    4. The little hints of the book where great! (i.e. the apple Rob catches in his hands like the cover, Stephenie in the diner)
    5. It kept you hanging on the edge of your seat, wanting more. Always a great sign in a movie.
    6. The cliff hanger in the end with Victoria at the prom leaves you wanting the next movie RIGHT NOW!
    You can see that I LOVED the movie because the Great Things list is longer than the Flaws list! 5 STARS ALL THE WAY! Its a movie I’ll definitely buy, and see again and again and again!!

  30. Lee Orlando says:

    Many people have posted similar sentiments; those of how we, as viewers of the movie had a certain *expectation* of what was going to drive the narrative in the film. I really liked the film but need to see if a few more times to get the differences in my mind straight. Sometimes I had wished I had seen the film first and then read the book. Why? Simply put, any problems I had with the film is that I am so close to the source material that I am having trouble figuring out if the narrative itself was sound enough to drive the film. I loved the film because I felt that Kristen, Rob and the rest of the cast just nailed it. I’m struggling with whether or not, not knowing the story would have made me look at the film with fresh eyes and understand the film for the story it told versus the story I know.

    I plan on going to see the film again tomorrow with my exceptional Twilight Husband, who like me, went to film school so we can sit and talk about what works in the film and what doesn’t. From the first showing I had some issues with the direction of the film, but what I appreciated most about Catherine Hardwick’s direction is that she showed versus told us the story (which is the difference between book text and filmed story). In that way, I thought it worked. Whether or not we get the relationships, who these people are themselves and to each other, well, tomorrow is another screening where I hope to get a better perspective on whether or not you’ve read the books and know who these characters are, the filmed story holds up to outsiders.

    I hope to be able to discuss this with other Twilight fans at Twicon2009 next summer. I think thi is a very interesting topic of discussion and some of the posts above are very insightful.

    TST is awesome, and still better than Prozac.


  31. Karlii says:

    OMG now im waiting for new moon!! XDDD I mean it was great!! πŸ˜€ Edward is sooooo cuute
    I want to have the Dvd now *w* !!!! I will see it like 1000 times and i will neve stop,
    I mean it was great πŸ™‚ but i definitely prefer the book (: aamm…. ii thought some stufff looked fake… well only a littla but…
    who really cares?? i meanthis is only the first movie and i hope not the least πŸ™‚
    im happy with the movie πŸ˜€

  32. Chiara says:

    I would give the movie 4 out of 5 stars. I really liked it, but I sort of wanted to see more of the other Cullens, mainly Alice. I thought the scene when Bella was first introduced to the Cullens was really good, (especially when Rosalie broke the bowl) and soo funny because it was very akward. A couple of things I didn’t like were the sparkling, I think he should have been all the way in the sun when he sparkled. Also, I thought Kristen sounded like she was trying to be dramatic, but it sounded fake at times. I thought the running and jumping on trees wasn’t as bad as everyone said, but still not great. but i don’t want to sound like some of those critics that hated the movie though, I did like it. I really liked the Cullens for the short time that you did really meet them. I also liked the ballet scene and all the scenes at their school, they were really good. I thought that Rob was awesome at Edward it his facial expressions, and almost everything else. I would definately go see it again. and again and again.

  33. Chiara says:

    oh yeah, and also I thought there wasnt enough Edward vs. Jacob

  34. Jacky says:

    I have to be honest…I LOVED it!
    It did have the low budget feel that I dreaded but it was still amazing. I really loved how they used Bella to narrate some of it. I was really worried about how’d they translate the first person from Bella’s perspective. Rob and Kristen were AMAZING in their roles! I was blown away! Melissa did a stunning job with the screenplay too. The lines were hilarious and intense at the right times. I was disappointed about the sparkling effect but I knew it would be tough to capture. I was good but the tinkling sound effect wasn’t necessary. He doesn’t have speakers in his skin! lol The kiss scene was a little too intense for me but it was still pretty hot…I love how they’re like right on the verge and he just leaps away. I really loved the soundtrack in the movie! It was great! I was actaully shocked that “Let Me Sign” was included in the ballet scene….I thought it was only sold with the iTunes version and I fell in love with it. The score’s were also amazing. They were perfect. I actually got pretty emotional during the movie…It was just pulled so much emotion from you and engrossed you so much that you jsut couldn’t look away! I really loved the great jokes! Ex:
    “Is she even italian?!” – Rosalie
    “Well, her name is Bella.” – Emmett

    “So you can read minds?” – Bella
    “Every mind in this room except for yours. Sex, money, sex, money…cat.” – Edward

    “That’s Jasper. He always looks like he’s in pain.” – Jessica

    “Edward wants to meet you personally.” – Bella
    *Charlie loads his gun*
    “Bring him in.” – Charlie

    I also really loved when Billy and Jake brought over the truck and she caught his fingers in the door! Charlie an Billy were genius too! I loved how they were acting like 5 year old in the background and Billy trying to be hip: “For realz.”

    I was actually ticked that they left Alice’s becoming a vamp explaination out of the movie…but it was still a great LONG movie…I was drooling over Rob’s humungous face the enire time! I’m looking forward to seeing it again and again and again and again and again, etc. I can’t wait to own it on DVD. I also can’t wait to see the other movies too. They’re going to be amazing!
    Keep up the great work too!
    I adore the podcast!
    – Jacky
    p.sp-you should put a section for people to put their favotire moments or quotes from the movie! There’s SO many great moments!

  35. Jacky says:

    41/2 Stars!
    It could have been better but it was SO close to being perfect!

  36. Lexie123220 says:

    i liked it and thought it was pretty good but its really not what i expected it to be…the jumping and the running parts were not shown very well and it was very rushed and left out a lot of good parts….i think that if they had a different director or producer, it would have been a lot better….no offense, they all did they best they could, but i mean, how did you picture it when you read it? is it what you pictured at all? i really liked the characters and thought they were wonderful! just some of the settings and scenes and visual dinamics really dissappointed me…..i just hope they can redo it or make the sequels a lot better…… 2 and 1/2 to 3 stars…..

  37. The Twihard says:

    I think that Summit did a really good job on the movie, I mean of course there were some things that I didn’t like and there were some things that weren’t in the book (GIGANTIC FAN HERE) but they stuck with the book on the important parts and I really appreciate that. I was a little disapointed that they didn’t have the meadow scene, or the one like the book I should say, but I guess I can deal. I would have liked a little more time with the Cullens but we’ll get that in Eclipse (if they make it) and maybe New Moon, at least in the end. THANK YOU SUMMIT FOR MAKING THE MOVIE AND THANK YOU TST AND TWILIGHT LEXICON FOR GIVING US ALL THE NEWS!!! XOXO!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  38. The Twihard says:

    Oh yeah I forgot about the stars thing; I give Twilight 4 stars. I don’t give it 5 because I felt a little rushed in places and there were a little too many things that weren’t like the book. But then again, I’m obsessed so they would never be able to please me.

  39. Bell says:

    i was expecting it to be a total offshot of the book but it turned out to be amazing to my suprise. the guy cast is all really hot!!!

  40. Bell says:

    o ya i say 4.5 stars becasue i thought it cut down some important parts way to much. like ya u cant have a 5 hour long movie but it was good

  41. Seloy Cullen says:


  42. LeeEtta says:

    Okay… I wrote yesterday and said it was cheesy etc. but… after seeing it again today I’ve got to say I liked it so much more the second time!! I get hung up on the differences from the book to the movie so the second time did it for me. I would give it 4 stars.
    So excited for New Moon, I just read it’s a sure thing!!

  43. Miriam says:

    I Loved it.
    I mean most of the scenerios were changed but in the end it ends how its supposed.

  44. Hayley says:

    I thought the movie was awesome! While it may not have followed the book exactly, it still hit all the main points. All of the cast was great–Robert was the best of course. πŸ™‚ Two times down, many more to go! Can’t wait for New Moon

  45. Maria says:

    The movie was okay, i guess. it kinda sucked compared to the book, but if you hadnt read the book it probbly was a good book. The only thing that i really hated was that noone ever said “i love you” in the entire movie.

  46. Crystal says:

    i saw the premiere of twilight…..and well i have mixed feelings. i was upset about things there could have been some improvements…
    here are my thoughts (on the bad stuff)

    1. The movie was uninformative enough to keep non-readers thoroughly confused.
    2. Because of that, non-readers are left off confused about characters.
    3. the acting was well not great..ok..not great
    4. Bella can’t seem to handle the concept of “happy” or “upset”
    5. Many major scenes were cut out to help shorten the film.
    6. The meadow scene in general was a complete disaster. and
    7. Bella saying random lines that were so forced it was funny.
    8. In the book, it was slightly adorable and slightly creepy that Edward watched Bella as she slept. In the movie, it was beyond creepy.
    10. kiss scene was sort of akward
    11. sparkling scene
    12. very rushed

    my thoughts (good ones)

    1. it was funny
    2. loved bella’s first day
    3. loved the baseball scene
    4. the kiss scene at the end w/ prom was cute
    5. loved the narrating

    Overall it was an ok movie i will see NEW MOON!!!! hopfully they’ll do a good job with that…



  47. gientsy says:

    Well, from watching the previews I thought that it’s going to be a disappointment, because i didn’t like any of the previews. But after watching the movie I thought that it was good, it wasnt as diappointing as I thought it would be, but some parts of the movie were kinda disappointing, and there was one part in the book that wasnt in the movie which was pretty sad, because that would have been a great scene. For me Robert Pattinson as Edward did an ok job, and i feel like someoe else could have done better, but thats just me…Mike Newton was hilarious in the movie! And i liked how they added funny awkward moments in it, and I just wish that they had more clutsy Bella moments. 4 stars

  48. della says:

    well i thought Twilight was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!omg it was great, it followed the book very closely, which is amazing becuz i have not seen a movie yet (besides this one) that followed the book. Great job guys. i absolutely love the kiss scene, hot! i would be so cool if they made a New Moon movie. I definetly give Twilight 5 stars, actually i would give it 100, but 5 is the highest, lol. πŸ™‚

  49. Susan says:

    Well me and my family/friends all went at midnight here in San Diego…after a day of total excitement (I don’t know how I made it through Thursday!)

    I would give the movie 5 *****’s of course. I knew it wouldn’t be as good as the book, but how could it be? I thought Rob and Kristen’s acting were great! They were both really good, I’m not a huge Rob Pattinson fan (Chace Crawford is my book Rob in my mind) but they were really great with their chemistry and I love Kristen! She was perfect! The only thing I thought of when watching was the scenes were kind of choppy and moved from one scene to the next really fast…they sometimes didn’t flow…l

    The scenery was amazing and really makes me want to go to Washington, right? I wish they had the phone call from Tyler when Edward and Bella were leaving for the Prom, and a couple other little things, but it was really great!

    But the movie was great…our expectations were so big, that I thought they did a great job! My favorite scene was when Angela says “oh my god” and they get out of the car in the parking lot! LOVED IT! And the baseball scene was great! Lots of parts were left out, but all I can say is oh well…get over it…loved the movie and can’t wait for New Moon.

  50. Emilee says:

    OME I loved it!! All of the guys were sooooooooo hot! exect jacob with long hair. They only left out a few scenes but when i was watching it i didn’t even remember them that’s how close it followed the book. in my opinon at least. I’m soo happy they are making New Moon into a movie and hopefully the rest of them. I would give twilight 5 stars.

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