New Moon Exclusive At 10 pm EST Tonight!

Feb 19th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

MTV will be sharing some exclusive New Moon info tonight at 10! Be sure to check back here for all the details!  Any ideas what it could be?

Here is a little teaser:

“MTV is thrilled to present an exclusive piece of imagery from the film you all can’t wait to sink your teeth into come November.

So at 10PM EST tonight, come right back here to the MTV Movies Blog for your first look! And by way the there’s more than just an image you can look forward to. There’s some interesting news in what we’re debuting too. Trust us. You’ll see.”

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3 Comments to “New Moon Exclusive At 10 pm EST Tonight!”

  1. Cedar says:


  2. Shteff says:

    I WILL BE IN BED! *faints at that moment*

  3. Amanda Cullen says:

    oh wow it looks so cool. definitely like that they kept the font the same and the little cresent moon at the bottom is a subtle but nice touch. loving the orange tint too!

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