5 Things The New Moon Poster Tells Us

May 25th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

FEARnet has a list of 5 things the New Moon poster tells us about the upcoming movie, which you can read here!

“Bella Isn’t Looking at Anyone –  Jacob is turning to look at  Edward, Edward is looking back at Bella and Bella is looking at, well, no one. She’s confused, that’s undeniable. However, we think it looks like she’s staring at something else entirely, as if she doesn’t want either Jacob or Edward. And does she look a little vacant? Perhaps Kristen Stewart is acting like heartbroken “zombie” Bella or maybe (as many people think) it’s a reflection of the actress’ less than superb acting ability. Could it be that she’s just trying to look sexy?”

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20 Comments to “5 Things The New Moon Poster Tells Us”

  1. Greenlee says:

    She looks more appropriate than she ever did for Twilight promos.
    I like that Jacob is there post-wolf, but I don’t like the stance between the three

  2. IHEARTSETH says:

    LOFL! There’s a comment on the page, that says “I think that maybe EDWARD AND JACOB are falling in love, not Bella and Jake, not Bella and Edward.”
    ? Oh my God, I’m too busy laughing on the floor to write this.

  3. Cassidy says:

    OK?!?!?!? Bella AKA KRISTEN looks more grown up….in the Twilight poster she looks more baby-faced!?!?!

  4. Elle says:

    Anyone else notice that Bella’s still wearing Catherine’s saints bracelet which Catherine mentions in her book. I think that’s pretty cool of them to keep in.

  5. Jacki says:

    Very cool. (:

  6. […] FEARnet has a list of 5 things the New Moon poster tells us about the upcoming movie, which you can read here! “Bella Isn’t Looking at Anyone – Jacob is turning to look at Edward, Edward is looking back at Bella and Bella is looking at, … Read more […]

  7. Ute says:

    I’ve seen better movie posters, more aesthetically done. This poster, however, was slapped together. Ohhh, analyze if you will…
    “Angels and Demons” (http://www.impawards.com/2009/posters/angels_and_demons.jpg) “District 9” and “Frost/Nixon” (http://wetprints.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/frost_nixon_poster.jpg ) are good examples of creative movie posters

  8. Jade - England says:

    I think they all look purrrrfect. after seeing this i had a crazy dream in which i totally fell for taylor lautner…… HELP ME – i HAVE GONE TEAM JACOB XXXXX

  9. kim says:

    she’s looking out for the bad vampires silly

  10. Amanda Cullen says:

    hahaha “less than superb acting” im glad someone finally said it

  11. Katie says:

    I don’t know…I thought that Edward and Jacob were giving each other the evil eye as that dislike took root in New Moon, but didn’t grow into full-blown hatred until Eclipse. I like that Jacob is between them. Bella’s hand on Jacob’s arm is the sign of their growing relationship after Edward left. Why she’s looking towards the audience and not at either guy, I don’t get.

    Actually, this movie poster is probably a little confusing to someone who hasn’t read the books. They may or may not remember who Jacob is, but if they ponder it for a little while they’ll maybe remember the “look” that passed between Edward and Jacob at the end of the first movie at prom, but it’s up to the audience to make the connection about the history of Jacob’s tribe and the “wolves descend” line from Edward.

  12. Tara K. says:

    This movie poster is by far THE best one ever done. Granted, I don’t like anyone’s cting (Rob or Kristen. Taylor is okay I guess), but you need someone looking at you.

    Think about movie posters and how they look:

    The characters ALWAYS look at you; not EVERY character on the poster, but at least one or two.

    Edward and Jacob are in the ” I HATE you” mode, so the audience needs to see that there will be some fighting between those two.

    That’s just what I think. Yes, Kristen may not be a strong actress in this area, but she did have SOME moments. Either way, this poster is the best I’ve seen for ANY movie. Maybe the colors in the movie will be more in the orange-ish range this time, since last time the posters were heavy in the blue hues and the movie contained a lot of blue colors. Who knows?

  13. Tara K. says:

    I meant anyone’s acting, not cting.

  14. Christina Cullen says:

    Hello people does anyone remember the book. frist Edward is looking at Bella Cause of corse He still loves her. Jacob is looking at Edward cause come on first he hates him and doesn’t like the facted that Bella (even though Edward left her) Still thinks about him and is pissed off that in the end she leaves Jacob to save Edward. and the fact that they have bella looking away in space is cause she is thinks of first she is still madly in love with edward but now has feeling for Jacob and the fact that she hears edward voice in her head. All of that can kinda confuse a person. But that is what I kinda get when I look at the poster.

  15. Waffle Fry says:

    I think all the characters are going to look 10x better in New Moon then in Twilight.

  16. Cathy says:

    Edward is walking away, but with regret, looking back. Jacob is taking a protective stance in front of Bella, glaring back at Edward for the hurt he caused Bella. And Bella hangs onto Jacob’s arm, knowing she’s in a good place with him, but can’t help looking away, wondering where Edward is.

    I think it is an absolutely amazing poster. They couldn’t have done better!

  17. Ivy Cullen says:

    what? that is total crap. they have no idea what the dang poster means so they’re gonna make something up to make it intimidating for the people who haven’t read the book already. omg they are just people who don’t have lives and are trying to make it seem like a trashy soap opera–which the twilight series is definitely NOT. but yes, the poster is fantabulous, and it looks great, but if i haven’t read the book, i would have thought that Bella lost interest in Edward and decided to go for Jacob because Edward is looking at her like he wants her, and Bella is looking all…whats the word…seductive? and Jacob kinda looks smug/defending. well it looks great. and people who write soap operas don’t have lives either. Just sayin.

  18. Mrs. Em Taylor Lautner says:

    Hey Jade from England! MEEE TOOO! I had a trippy “married to taylor but don’t wanna be” dream but when I woke up I was TEAM TAYLOR! …..but sorry still a vamp girl….maybe a confused Bella girl! lol but YESS this poster makes him look GORGEOUS!!!(like always)

  19. Bea(FanOfTheMonth-March/April/May) says:

    i…er…. hav the poster as my wallpaper and placed a widget over Kristens face so i havent really seen it…….

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