Update on Kristen Stewart Projects: that Snow White Rumor & 1st Pics from ‘On the Road’

Feb 3rd, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Kristen is now in negotiations for the lead role in Snow White and the HuntsmanWe posted about Kristen’s possible involvement in the film the other day, and there’s been more steps taken toward securing Kristen’s part.

The deal is not done and could still fall apart, but both sides want it to happen.

Stewart is a name that Universal kept coming back to since acquiring the project. Still, it went through a series of screen tests with actresses such as Riley Keough, Felicity Jones and Alicia Vikander. As The Hollywood Reporter previously reported, Stewart was still being courted as late as last week, and Universal finally made an offer over the weekend.

I realize this whole casting issue is extremely polarizing for some, but personally, I’m excited to see Kristen in a role like this.  It’ll definitely be a major step away from not just the Twilight world, but also the indy film world where Kristen has made a lasting impression in years past.  It’s a, to use a term that has been repeatedly overused to describe all sorts of things these days, “grittier” Snow White than the Disney princess we’re used to seeing, but contrast, such as a princessy character + harsh climate/situations, always makes for good film. Contrast is the spice of life!  And I think Kristen also represents that contrast.  She’s not known for doing roles like this, and if she accepts the role, I know she’ll take it to heart just like she has all the other characters she’s played in films past. 

In other news, Comme au Cinema has just posted the first stills from Kristen’s upcoming film, On the Road.  Check out the rest of the pictures on their site (the article is in French).


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