Kellan Lutz Helping the St. Bernard Project Raise Money for Katrina Victims

Feb 24th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles

Kellan’s pretty well known to be a supporter of the St. Bernard Project, and he’s since been named “Grand Marshall” of their latest project called “Get on the Float”.  We’ve previously posted pictures and a video of Kellan and some his fellow Breaking Dawn cast members helping out.  Kellan is hoping to raise $40,000 for the SBP, and here’s Kellan in his own words:

It’s Mardi Gras season in New Orleans and there are still many families whose homes were flooded by Katrina 5 1/2 years ago and have not been able to rebuild and move home. So I’m doing something about it.  I’m the Grand Marshal of the St. Bernard Project’s Get on the Float campaign and am funding a family’s home by donating personally and raising money from the cast and crew of Twilight.
Now I need my fans to join me too. Can I count on you to help?
The St. Bernard Project is amazing and I want everyone to get involved with them. This Mardi Gras Season, Get on the Float for St. Bernard Project by donating today. We want to get at least two families back home and we can do that by raising $40,000.
Head on over to the donation page at First Giving to read more of what Kellan had to say about the project and to find out how you can contribute. 

Via: @SceneToday

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