The Swan House’s Swan Song

Mar 24th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

You know how over the past couple months we’ve posted a couple sets of pictures that were of the Swan house being prepped for filming?  Well, now filming has wrapped at that location and the house is being taken down.  Swan House, we hardly knew ye!  The turnaround between reconstructing, filming, and deconstructing the house is kind of giving me whiplash. *badump chhh* (I’m all kinds of cheesy today, y’all. ;))  Check out @OLTV’s pictures of the house being taken apart:



Go here to see the rest of the pictures and to read some of her speculations about what scenes were filmed there.  Also, check out this video which is also footage, with some narration by @OLTV, of the house.

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