EXCLUSIVE: Veiled Shadows by Morgan Wylie

Oct 5th, 2013 | By | Category: Book News, Book Reviews, Contests, Featured Articles, Site News


EXCLUSIVE: Markings in Alandria

In Alandria, each race of magical beings have a visible mark—a tattoo—that shows itself when the individual comes of age, which is also when their magic reaches its maturity in abilities. The markings all have similar iridescent greenish-blue color for a specific reason (that I can’t tell you yet—Eeek!). Now, of course, most individuals know what race they belong to—it’s not a secret—but it helps to identify between the races. Alandrian markings are called Srontas. There are some other qualities to these markings that will begin to be revealed in the coming books so I’m not going to say too much at this point. BUT I will say that it has to do with their coloring. *What could it mean? What could it mean?* (as I rub my hands conspiratorily and utter an evil cackle: Muwuahahaha) Ok so maybe it’s not that crazy, but still it is not quite time. I digress…

In Silent Orchids, we start to see Kaeleigh’s markings—yes, I said markings plural, which is unheard of in Alandria—begin to be seen. She didn’t know what they were and to be honest she didn’t learn too much about them. Her markings are unusual for the average Alandrian. It is part of her discovering who she is that will help her understand more of what her markings mean. Here’s a conversation between Kaeleigh and Daegan about the markings:

“The marking on your wrist is similar to other markings I have seen called srontas, which relate to cultural backgrounds; however, I have never seen that particular one before—it’s different,” he said with a frown. “I don’t know what yours means, perhaps it’s a mistake.” Daegan seemed to be speaking more to himself than to Kaeleigh.

“Okay…” Kaeleigh began to say as she was thinking. “So, how did I get one of these… snortas marks?”

“Srontas,” he corrected her with a slight twinkle in his eyes. Then suddenly serious again, “I don’t know,” he said with frustration, running his fingers through his hair.

In Veiled Shadows, we see a little more of the markings being exposed. Specifically, we discover Chel’s marking as she flaunts it boldly and a bit provocatively in one scene. It was really fun being a part of the creative process for these markings. They are all originally created by the fantastic Eden Crane Design. I’m going to be unveiling them one by one on my site in the coming weeks so, unfortunately, all I’m going to be able to give you today is a tease 😉 I’ll even tell you who they belong to, I’m just that nice.

This is Chel’s Shifter mark. What you don’t yet know about the shifter marks, is that well, they shift. When a shifter is preparing to shift, their mark swirls and morphs shifting the magical energies that make up a shifter to enable them to physically change in appearance.


The next one is Finn’s mark of the Elves. The magic of the Elves comes from natural light energies such as the moon, the sun, and the stars.

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Tree of the deadVeiled Shadows Synopsis:

Shadows linger where light is obstructed, and truth is veiled.

Evil is an untreated disease in the once beautiful realm of Alandria.

Kaeleigh is faced with a revelation that she must reconcile. She will decide if discovering the truth is worth the unknown consequences to both herself and her friends.

Daegan, the Ferrishyn warrior, is conflicted by more than his loyalties, and is confronted with emotions he doesn’t know how to deal with. A choice must be made. A choice… that may cost him more than he ever wanted to give.

The Droch-Shúil—enforcers and servants of the ancient darkness—continue to cast their shadow over Alandria seeking those who can be turned to their side.

The magic of The Orchids is growing, but not everyone will survive what is to come.

Veiled Shadows is the second installment in The Age of Alandria series: the story of the Sol-lumieth’s quest for freedom of self and the power to battle the evil of the Droch-Shúil.


First, if you’re new to this series, click and check out my review for the first novel in The Age of Alandria Series, Silent Orchids. Now, if you feel comfortable moving on to Book 2, let me just tell you that you won’t be disappointed! Kaeleigh is still discovering more about who, and what, she is, and Daegan’s story makes it’s way to the forefront. I love Veiled Shadows, and while it answered some questions, it also left us guessing in regards to Finn and Chel.

I am giving Veiled Shadows 4 books on the bookshelf! The only thing that would have improved it is if there were ‘more’ of it. I wanted even more Daegan, Finn, and Chel, as well as more Hal, and more answers. We still have a lot in store for future books, and that’s definitely something to look forward to!



Morgan Wylie Bio:

Morgan Wylie, originally from the Pacific Northwest, now resides near Nashville, TN with her husband and daughter. She and her husband work everyday at their individual and combined creative pursuits while she learns to balance being “Mama”, wife, and mediator to the many voices and muses constantly chattering in her head.


Blog: http://www.morganwylie.net/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MWylieBooks

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Author Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6925274.Morgan_Wylie

Veiled Shadows Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18158716-veiled-shadows

Amazon author page: http://www.amazon.com/Morgan-Wylie/e/B00CMXX2SK/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1

Buy Links:


Veiled Shadows: The Age of Alandria: Book Two (Volume 2)







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