Posts Tagged ‘ Morgan Wylie ’

EXCLUSIVE: Veiled Shadows by Morgan Wylie

Oct 5th, 2013 | By | Category: Book News, Book Reviews, Contests, Featured Articles, Site News
EXCLUSIVE: Veiled Shadows by Morgan Wylie

EXCLUSIVE: Markings in Alandria In Alandria, each race of magical beings have a visible mark—a tattoo—that shows itself when the individual comes of age, which is also when their magic reaches its maturity in abilities. The markings all have similar iridescent greenish-blue color for a specific reason (that I can’t tell you yet—Eeek!). Now, of
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Silent Orchids by Morgan Wylie

May 15th, 2013 | By | Category: Book News, Book Reviews, Contests, Fandom, Featured Articles, Podcasts, Site News
Silent Orchids by Morgan Wylie

I’m am so excited to be a part of the blog tour for Silent Orchids, and I am going to work my review in somewhere!  Today, Morgan Wylie has brought us a fun glimpse of her writing community… Hello and thank you for having me here today to talk about the importance of community in
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