Posts Tagged ‘ Buzzsugar ’

Round-up of Recent Anna Kendrick Interviews: ‘Breaking Dawn’ Mentions Abound

Sep 29th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Videos

Anna has been doing quite a bit of promo for her upcoming film, 50/50, and of course, Breaking Dawn questions were bound to find their way into an interview or two.

MTV interview where they ask a really awkward question about Breaking Dawn…seriously, why is this the question that everyone asks?!

Parks & Recreation Upcoming “Twilight” Episode

Jan 14th, 2011 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles
Parks & Recreation Upcoming "Twilight" Episode

Aziz Ansari, who you may remember as the host of last year’s MTV Movie Awards, talked with BuzzSugar about Parks and Recreation‘s upcoming Twilight episode.  BuzzSugar: The third episode of the season revolves around the Twilight books, and a few months ago, you live-tweeted the Twilight movies rather passionately. Did you have anything to do
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