Posts Tagged ‘ Quileute Wolf Pack ’

Quileute Wolfpack Fansite Heads to the NAIIA

May 2nd, 2011 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles
Quileute Wolfpack Fansite Heads to the NAIIA

The admins over at had quite the experience over the weekend at the North American Indigineous Image Awards.  Here’s an excerpt, and go here to read the rest where they talk about chauffering Chaske Spencer around and meeting Gil Birmingham! Prior to leaving for Albuquerque, New Mexico, I already had a clear idea of
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Quileute Wolf Pack Fansite Interview with Mariel Belanger, the Third Wife

Jan 18th, 2011 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News
Quileute Wolf Pack Fansite Interview with Mariel Belanger, the Third Wife

The folks over at Quileute Wolf Pack got the chance to interview Mariel Belanger, who played the Third Wife in Eclipse.  She answered questions about how she got into acting, what it was like on the set of Eclipse, and more!  This interview is pretty cool because Mariel gets to the bare bones of what
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Quileute Wolf Pack Interviews Rick Mora from “Twilight”

Jan 3rd, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News
Quileute Wolf Pack Interviews Rick Mora from "Twilight"

                                                                                       The Quileute Wolf Pack fansite got the opportunity to interview Rick Mora, who played Ephraim Black, in Twilight.  Mora talks about working with Nikki, Kellan, Peter and Rob, his upcoming projects and more!  It’s an exclusive interview so to visit QWP to read it! Photo credit: