Archive for July 2010

“Welcome to the Rileys” Trailer & Release Date

Jul 8th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Kristen’s upcoming flick, “Welcome to the Rileys,” will be released in theaters on November 5, and here is the new trailer for the film!

“Hunger Games” Fan Fest

Jul 8th, 2010 | By | Category: Book News, Featured Articles

Are you getting excited for the August release of “Mockingjay?”  Borders stores across the country will be holding fan events for the release of the third book in the Hunger Games trilogy.  Click here to find an event in your area! “Mockingjay, the third and last installment of The Hunger Games, will be released on
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Eclipse Premiere & Movie Review ~ Week 82

Jul 7th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Podcasts, Premieres, Site News
Eclipse Premiere & Movie Review ~ Week 82

Listen at Mevio or iTunes… This week Kassie and I had so much fun discussing The Twilight Saga: Eclipse!  Kassie didn’t get to join me (Kallie) at the premiere, so she had lots-o-questions.  I tried my best to describe everything from the ‘black’ carpet!  After the premiere, we move right into our likes and dislikes
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Eastern Conference Champions

Jul 7th, 2010 | By | Category: Music, Podcast Music

A big “Thank Y’all” goes out to Eastern Conference Champions, for letting us use their song Bloody Bells on the podcast this week!  They are on the Eclipse Soundtrack, so go check ’em out!

Stephenie Meyer Fan Junket: FAN-FICTION Q&A

Jul 7th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Site News, Stephenie Meyer Interview
Stephenie Meyer Fan Junket: FAN-FICTION Q&A

Tonight we bring you a bit about FAN-FICTION from our Stephenie Meyer Fan Junket!  This question was brought to the table by, and we had so much fun hearing what Stephenie thinks about the subject… Twifans: What do you think of Twilight fan-fiction? SM: Fan-fiction has become kind of a mixed thing for me.
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MTV: Will Eclipse beat New Moon?

Jul 7th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

The film opened to the largest six-day haul of any movie this year — $175.3 million — after getting a jump on the Fourth of July weekend with a Wednesday release. Yet that applause is surely tempered somewhat, as “Eclipse” failed to out-gross “New Moon,” its series predecessor, which opened last fall with $178.9 million
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Edward & Bella Keepsake Ornament Give-A-Way!

Jul 7th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Merchandise
Edward & Bella Keepsake Ornament Give-A-Way!

Novel Novice Twilight is really excited to announce a very cool new contest sponsored by Hallmark. Novel Novice is giving away TWO of Hallmark’s brand-new Bella & Edward Twilight Keepsake Ornaments. This is Hallmark’s first-ever Twilight Keepsake Ornament, and it goes on sale this weekend, July 10th. But they’re giving away two of the ornaments
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Billy Burke Interview

Jul 7th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News, Site News, Videos

Eclipse Movie | Summer Movies 2010 talks to Billy Burke about taking the role of Charlie Swan and his new Album, Removed

Win Dinner & a Movie @

Jul 6th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Site News
Win Dinner & a Movie @

Sweety High, a social word for Girls (& Fan-pires alike), and want to hear why you think you are the ultimate Twihard! Do you practice your “Mrs. Edward Cullen” signature on your math book? Constantly trying to get Bellas look from the movie? …We want to hear it all!!! Enter the contest and tell
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What do you think of Eclipse?

Jul 6th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Question of the Week, Site News

This week we want to know what you think of the movie!  There have been so many reviews, and we know what you think matters most!  So leave your comments below, and we might read your answer next week! What were your favorite moments, and your least favorite moments? To hear what we think of
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