Billy Burke on His “Revolution” Character
Aug 20th, 2012 | By Stefanie | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Videos
J.D. Pardo, Nahuel in Breaking Dawn Part 2, is also starring in NBC’s upcoming show Revolution. Who’s planning on tuning in?
J.D. Pardo, Nahuel in Breaking Dawn Part 2, is also starring in NBC’s upcoming show Revolution. Who’s planning on tuning in?
Here are two great interviews with Billy Burke. I get excited whenever I hear the cast talking about how great Bill Condon is. Way to get us excited about the movie, Breaking Dawn cast! As an aside, I love how film critics and the like continue to be surprised by the fact that Bill Condon is
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Access Hollywood spoke with Billy Burke at the premiere of his new movie Drive Angry: 3D. He talks about when he’s heading up to Vancouver to shoot and more:
Reelz Channel recently sat down with Billy Burke and he spoke about his upcoming films, Drive Angry 3D and Red Riding Hood, what Charlie goes through in Breaking Dawn, and how impressed he’s been by Mackenzie Foy. Oh goodness, writing this post up I just remembered the scene where Jacob talks about how he
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First off, here’s an interview with Booboo and his sister, Fivel. Booboo gives some props to Bill Condon for the way he’s handled the task of directing two movies at the same time: Lastly, here’s a short interview with Billy Burke, where he gives a very vague description of what’s been going on with Breaking Dawn.
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Billy Burke’s latest flick, “Drive Angry,” will hit theaters in 3D Feb. 25, and here is the trailer for the action flick, which also stars Nicolas Cage!
PopSugar caught up with Billy Burke at last night’s Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, and the actor discussed his hope for a steamy “Breaking Dawn” honeymoon! He states that he personally wants to see the film go into uncharted territory, though he realizes his character would have a much different opinion on the matter!
Billy Burke just Tweeted this pic of his Halloween costume (at Hollywood Forever Cemetery), along with a video of his daughter on the Death Slide, lol. Halloween 2010– I was Death Warmed Over & she was my Reason For Living??… AWWW COME ON PEEPS!! That’s EFFIN’ SW
Eclipse Movie | Summer Movies 2010 talks to Billy Burke about taking the role of Charlie Swan and his new Album, Removed
Kristen Stewart, Billy Burke, and Julia Jones were guests on Lopez Tonight last night, and you can check out their interviews here or below (including one of Kristen’s hidden talent). Booboo Stewart and Charlie Bewley were on the night before, and are included as well 🙂