Billy Burke on His “Revolution” Character
Aug 20th, 2012 | By Stefanie | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Videos
J.D. Pardo, Nahuel in Breaking Dawn Part 2, is also starring in NBC’s upcoming show Revolution. Who’s planning on tuning in?
J.D. Pardo, Nahuel in Breaking Dawn Part 2, is also starring in NBC’s upcoming show Revolution. Who’s planning on tuning in?
We’ll be updating this post throughout the day so keep checking back! Livestream: Get More: MTV Shows Press Conference: HitFix live blogs the Rob, Taylor, Kristen, Mackenzie & Stephenie Meyer press conference. Hypable’s live blog of the Cullen press conference. Photos: Socialite Life has a bunch of pictures of last night’s surprise visit from around
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Summit has confirmed that JD Pardo will play Nahuel in Breaking Dawn. Pardo has appeared in such TV shows as American Dreams, Veronica Mars, and The O.C., but you can check out all his deets over on his IMDB page. So, what are your thoughts on this latest casting decision?