Posts Tagged ‘ target ’

“Breaking Dawn-Part 1: Extended Edition” & “Breaking Dawn-Part 2” DVD Break Down Guide!

Feb 28th, 2013 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News
"Breaking Dawn-Part 1: Extended Edition" & "Breaking Dawn-Part 2" DVD Break Down Guide!

This past weekend, the lovely people over at Lionsgate invited some of the Twilight fansites out to Santa Monica to screen the extended edition of “Breaking Dawn-Part 1,” as well as some of the special features for the DVD release of “Breaking Dawn-Part 2.”  We were sent home with all of the different versions of
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‘Breaking Dawn Part 2’ Scene Will Premiere At Target

Jan 19th, 2012 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie News

Target has announced that they will be showing an exclusive scene from Breaking Dawn Part 2 in stores on February 10!  The scene will air as part of their midnight DVD release parties for Breaking Dawn Part 1, which will take place in nearly 500 Target stores across the US.  You can find more information
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‘Breaking Dawn’ DVD Guide Update + Win Trip To Next Premiere!

Jan 3rd, 2012 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie News
'Breaking Dawn' DVD Guide Update + Win Trip To Next Premiere!

In case you missed it, we have compiled a guide to all of the new Breaking Dawn DVD and Blu-ray editions, including break-downs by country and store exclusives.  The latest special edition info we have to report comes from Walmart, who, in addition to offering their own exclusive wedding packaging and poster, will also be
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Eclipse Collector’s Edition DVD @ Target

Oct 5th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Target will be selling their own exclusive collector’s edition of the Eclipse DVD and Blu-ray, which includes special packaging and six photo-cards from the movie.  As far as I can tell, the DVD won’t include exclusive footage, as was the case with Target’s exclusive editions of Twilight and New Moon. You can check out our
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Target Now Carries New Moon Merchandise!

Mar 20th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Merchandise

Target’s website has revealed their new line of New Moon merchandise, which you can check out here!  I don’t know if the merchandise is available in-stores as well.  Anyone spot it in their local stores yet?

Target New Moon DVD Update

Mar 4th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie News

Target’s website has added a pic of what the bonus film cells will look like, though the actual cell photo might vary with each DVD.  Click here to check out our New Moon DVD break-down page!

Watch New Moon Deleted Scene!

Feb 25th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Target has posted a new deleted scene on their site called “Bob’s Bikes!”  You can see it here or check out the YouTube version below!

Target Offers 3-Disc DVD

Jan 26th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie News

They’ve done it again!  Target will offer an exclusive 3-disc edition DVD (or Blu-ray) of New Moon, now available for pre-order! Don’t forget that other special editions will probably pop up in the coming weeks, so make sure you check them all out before you pre-order.  You can check out all of the various special
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More Twilight Videos

Mar 2nd, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie News

Target has several short video interviews with the cast and Stephenie on their site.  Some of them have been seen before, but one or too look new.  Once you click on this link, click the DVD photo and a pop-up should appear with a close-up of the DVD.  There will be a tab on the
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Target Exclusive DVD

Feb 25th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie News

Update: Target will be selling an exclusive 3 disc special edition of the Twilight DVD for $24.99. Here is a list of features: This exclusive edition includes a free iTunes download of the film and bonus content including a conversation with Stephenie Meyer and Edward’s piano concert Features Robert Pattinson on “Becoming Edward,” Kristen Stewart
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